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Workflows are destroyed in Premiere Pro v.22.0 | solved with color

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Oct 29, 2021 Oct 29, 2021

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To date, there are serious shortcomings in the workflows of Premier Pro v.22.0, which are still known to me:
1. Dynamic connection of Pr and AE;
2. Fading and disappearing of the Play Head on the timeline (with a double or triple question, the output is no good);
3. Very poor performance in playing files on the timeline.
4. Problem with linking Proxy. For some reason, in the new update, the connection with the proxy is not picked up automatically and occurs one clip at a time.

5. CPU load is at full power, and the graphics card is sleeping. Where is its power in visualization processing?

These are the main ones.

If you have problems with incorrect color display in clips on the timeline, please pay attention to the new feature - interpretation of the material before editing. It works.


Screenshot 2021-10-29 111607.png


How about trying to check (who has free time from projects) to clean the Adode products with a special utility, and then install a new version
v. 22.0. I drew attention to the conflicts of some plugins, with which some failures occur. In the previous version 15.4.1, everything was normal. Now there is either a real flaw, or a conflict of the remaining files from the previous version with the new version.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Editing , Error or problem , Freeze or hang , Performance




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Oct 30, 2021 Oct 30, 2021

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Thanks for sharing - I've had an issue with one particular effect since the update (Invert).


I tried your above fix on the off-chance it might help but no joy :'(


Wondered if you might have any other ideas as you seem quite knowledgable! More info on my issue here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro-discussions/premiere-pro-22-0-update-issues-with-invert-...


Thought I may as well ask - getting a bit desperate as this project was due yesterday!






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Oct 30, 2021 Oct 30, 2021

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I personally tested the standard Invert effect and it works fine in the new version v. 22.0. Here is a screenshot:

Screenshot 2021-10-30 202334.png





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Oct 31, 2021 Oct 31, 2021

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Maybe you confused the same Invert with an audio effect???

Screenshot 2021-10-31 205328.png





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Nov 06, 2021 Nov 06, 2021

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The Invert effect is standard and there should be no problems using it. If you are still experiencing difficulties, try this without the plugin:

Screenshot 2021-11-06 230303.png





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Oct 30, 2021 Oct 30, 2021

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For anyone working professionally, delivering to paying clients ... it is always wise to keep the older versions as your working setup while testing major version updates to see if they are stable on your machine.


For anyone having issues with the 22.x, stay working in 15.x until the 22.x version proves stable on your rig. One advantage of the Adobe apps over say Resolve is you can have multiple major versions installed simultaneously.


And for migrating projects ... I never recommend simply opening an old project in a new version. Use the MediaBrowser panel to navigate to the old version project file. Select and import the assets of that project file.


This seems to get a cleaner, more reliable forward migration plus you still have the older project file intact and working in case the new version ain't performing correctly.






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Oct 30, 2021 Oct 30, 2021

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For anyone working professionally, delivering to paying clients ... it is always wise to keep the older versions as your working setup while testing major version updates to see if they are stable on your machine.


I will not agree with you frankly here. There is a beta version of Premier Pro and it was created for a reason, but in order to save people from unpleasant surprises in the future. What the hell, then they launched the beta version and tested it until cancer on the mountain whistles, and then they officially release it and it's no good to hell. Test for a year then, since there are not enough skills. Why users should suffer and suffer. The beta version was specially developed to identify various problems before release. The officially released version must and must meet the level of improvements made in the beta version. I'm sorry for such a frank conversation. Just patience comes with these clumsy updates.




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Oct 30, 2021 Oct 30, 2021

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For anyone having issues with the 22.x, stay working in 15.x until the 22.x version proves stable on your rig. One advantage of the Adobe apps over say Resolve is you can have multiple major versions installed simultaneously.


Resolve releases a product that has no problems. They don't release raw material in with so many flaws. Therefore, they do not need to think about an alternate airfield. Let's strive also and everyone will be happy.




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Oct 30, 2021 Oct 30, 2021

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Don't worry about disagreeing. Everyone's mileage always varies, say what you see.


Next ... no amount of testing will guarantee that all users on all gear will have a good solid experience. No clue why anyone would ever think that even.


As to Resolve ... there's a ton of bugs and workflow issues with their recent release of 17.4. So much they followed up with a quick patch, 17.4.1.


Which as noted Hollywood colorist Mark Todd Osborne has noted on their forums (among many others) ... is worse than the 17.4 troubles they were trying to patch.


Yet many Resolve users are having no troubles. Just like many PrPro users with 22.x are having no troubles.


Assume going into anything that everyone's mileage always varies! Test anything on your system before committing client work to it.


Most of the colorists I know (and it's a large group of teachers around the world) install Resolve on a secondary system and test the heck out of it before they ever load a Resolve build on their working computers.






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Oct 30, 2021 Oct 30, 2021

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In this case, issue corrections promptly. They are already designated by users. If this drags on, then people will continue to grumble. Make an update as soon as possible. We need to do something, not stall for time.
People are waiting.
With respect to the Adobe development team.




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Oct 30, 2021 Oct 30, 2021

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Notice how long I've been here, I've noticed this trend: some Windows users have some problems, iMac has others. There are also general flaws. May consider the issue separately about installations for Windows and Mac operating systems. Maybe there will be fewer mistakes. For example, everyone has the same Resolve. Nvidia itself has broken down its installation drivers for games and editing programs. So there is some advantage in this.

With respect to the Adobe development team.




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Oct 30, 2021 Oct 30, 2021

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"Everyone has the same Resolve" ... not sure what you mean there. They have versions for Mac and PC, and of course users on various versions of each. Very much like the Adobe apps except each user can only have one version loaded at a time. Unlike the Adobe apps.








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Oct 30, 2021 Oct 30, 2021

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I mean, we need the one and only one. Stable, light, fast. Exactly that. Why is Final Cut productive and does not require a Proxy? Why are the playback of identical files slower in Premiere Pro? Why is it impossible to solve this issue, which is already jumping from update to update and we are discussing it 100 times. Make a productive product. Just productive and stable. Then we'll look at various cool new features to develop the product. People are asking for it. Stability and performance. It should not be such that the user has lags on the timeline when assembling the material (without effects). Everything is fast and smooth.
With respect to the Adobe development team.




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Oct 30, 2021 Oct 30, 2021

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"I mean, we need the one and only one."


Still not sure what you mean by that. I knew Resolve users from major shops that never installed the 16x series because in their shop, it never tested solid. So they went from 15.x to say 17.1. I knew others that never had a problem with any R16 build. They all worked fine on my machines. That's Life in the modern world.


Final Cut is a special 'niche' product. Built in-house for only one operating system. On house-limited computer hardware.  And the app and the system are clearly 'juiced' to fit together. Which is a total Apple thing.


And it ain't nearly as heavily used as PrPro either.


PrPro is used across a wider user base and array of hardware than any of the other NLEs. That in itself leads to some of the problems. The more you limit the hardware, or the use, the easier it is to build "stable" anything in software.


And ... well, many of us aren't having any lags on the timeline even with effects. I've seen comments from M1 Mac users talking about how awesome a time they're having. Yet others ... are having fits. Random crud somehow.


And yes, I hope they get this sorted and right soon.






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Oct 31, 2021 Oct 31, 2021

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Thank you, I wanted to hear from you that the team is working and in the near future, we will all say WOW.

I am always looking forward to new Adobe updates and various new software features. It is necessary not to stand still, move forward and not return to old sores. This is the only way we will develop the product. We need to make it productive and fast.
With respect to the Adobe development team.




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Oct 31, 2021 Oct 31, 2021

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Oct 31, 2021 Oct 31, 2021

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Oct 08, 2022 Oct 08, 2022

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Version 223 is TOTAL CRAP!!!!!!!!  I can't use it at all as my videos have banding and tearing so can't edit and can't export as video is not stable. I have reverted to the last stable version which is 14.9 and everything works well thank God but we pay a subscription for up to date software right? Anybody else having these issues?????




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Oct 08, 2022 Oct 08, 2022

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No, which leads me to the obvious conclusion that something on your rig is way off. I've worked with Red, BRAW, ProRes, ProRes RAW, H.264/5, S-log variants in the XAVC stuff, some drone media, and haven't had any issues whatever.


What's your kit, your media & effects? Give plenty of details, and we'll see if we can't get this sorted.


And of course, you can have multiple major versions installed at the same time, so you can test one while using another. I've got from 2019 through the current public beta installed on my main rig. And my 'old', now secondary rig has back through 2015 on it.






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Oct 08, 2022 Oct 08, 2022

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I have encountered difficulties working in the h265 format. I have some opened, and others do not read. I suspect that the encoding of the file is broken. There were no problems with h264.




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Oct 08, 2022 Oct 08, 2022

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Neil, did you manage to clarify the situation with the addition of the OFFSET color wheel to the Lumetri toolkit?




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Oct 08, 2022 Oct 08, 2022

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"It's an interesting idea, one we do discuss from time to time internally ... "



Sigh. I WANT that ...


But then, I LOVED the 'nine-way' controls of SpeedGrade's color wheels. As you had the three wheels, in that case Offset, Gamma, and Gain.


BUT ... you could then select from an option Shadows, Mids, and Highlights.


Which got you three wheels and sliders for any of the above! With a Pivot control.


So you could go to the Shadows, and have both a pivot control as to how far UP the scale you were working, and within that ... three different levels with a Luma slider and chroma ball!


You had NINE different segments of the tonal scale you could affect separately, each with a Luma slider and Color ball!


Without needing to do any HSL secondaries or any qualifiers or anything. Oh, that was sweet and fast ...







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Oct 08, 2022 Oct 08, 2022

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Neil, we need to return this as soon as possible. These tools for color correction are not enough. I paint a lot and feel uncomfortable. This does not make Pr a professional product due to limited capabilities. As a "disabled person" who is not able to squeeze the maximum out of the tools.




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Oct 08, 2022 Oct 08, 2022

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I've been arguing for that since they announced Sg was doomed! To the point engineers were afraid of recognizing me at NAB if previous Pr manager was around.


When Patrick took over, well ... he was a creator of Iridas/SpeedGrade. So he and I both talk of what we miss from that app.


But he has to work within the parameters and budgets given him from M&E.


Doesn't stop me from pushing it constantly though!






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Oct 08, 2022 Oct 08, 2022

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you need to keep a "pulse on your hand")




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