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AAF Import from AVID Mediacomposer

Community Beginner ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

Copy link to clipboard


Premiere Pro begins to be involved everywhere.... So it happens that one could be lead to import an Avid MC Timeline into PremPro. Avid provides a very sofisticatet AAF, plenty of possibilities like "Link only Files", "copy Files", "consolidate Files" and you have to chose.
I chooesed copy files because I wanted to begin from scratch in Prempro.
The Problem: Avid puts the files in a Folder called AvidMediaFiles, so far so good... Ther you find an MXF Folder, sometimes an Omf Folder.
If you do a normal AAF export in AVID the Edit-protocol will refer to the original files, which usually are MXF and where videotracks and audiotracks are separate tracks. A MXF File out of cam can have 1 Videotrack and 8 Audiotracks. This means there are 9 trracks grouped into one Videoclip. And that's the point where Premiere Pro isn't able to group this 9 tracks together and show it up as one Clip in the project. Why that? Davinci Resolve does it by the way without problem. Is this a bug? Relinking tracks and clips seems to be a major problem, I understand that, but...
please help
best regards Jean-Luc
Idea No status
Import and ingest






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