Premiere Pro begins to be involved everywhere.... So it happens that one could be lead to import an Avid MC Timeline into PremPro. Avid provides a very sofisticatet AAF, plenty of possibilities like "Link only Files", "copy Files", "consolidate Files" and you have to chose.
I chooesed copy files because I wanted to begin from scratch in Prempro.
The Problem: Avid puts the files in a Folder called AvidMediaFiles, so far so good... Ther you find an MXF Folder, sometimes an Omf Folder.
If you do a normal AAF export in AVID the Edit-protocol will refer to the original files, which usually are MXF and where videotracks and audiotracks are separate tracks. A MXF File out of cam can have 1 Videotrack and 8 Audiotracks. This means there are 9 trracks grouped into one Videoclip. And that's the point where Premiere Pro isn't able to group this 9 tracks together and show it up as one Clip in the project. Why that? Davinci Resolve does it by the way without problem. Is this a bug? Relinking tracks and clips seems to be a major problem, I understand that, but...
please help
best regards Jean-Luc