Background rendering like Final Cut Pro would be nice. If you do nothing for a few seconds, it would be good if premiere calculates effects in the background automatically. It saves a lot of rendertime in the end.
James Kolb. Why do you say that background rendering can't happen while editing? My knowledge of programming while not extensive leads me to believe it could work by locking the part being rendered so that it can't be edited, which should prevent most errors? Rarely does editing use the entire CPU / GPU / RAM so there's a buffer that can be used for background rendering.
Render entire sequence in background: - rendering an entire sequence could work by locking that particular sequence and any nested sequences. - select a sequence, click to render in background, that sequence locks up and I can continue working on other sequences while that one renders for me to review shortly.
Render selected area / workbar in background - Again, the select length of timeline could just be locked if this causes a problem and I can render a part of a sequence while working on another part.
RAYG (Render as you go) - Like After Effects. In PPro, every time I stop on an unrendered frame, it will render it after a second or so. Why not save that rendered frame every time so that it doesn't have to be rendered again? That's what After Effects does, and it reduces render time by a good chunk.
This will only address a small subset of the needs expressed here, but I got so fed up with this not existing that I created a script I run any time I leave my desk that renders all open sequences. Probably inspired by FCP7's "auto-render after no activity for "x" minutes" feature. I guess it's Windows-only, but would hopefully inspire a Mac equivalent using automator or shortcuts if you have a similar need.
I'm often working on multiple versions / deliverables at the same time and can have lots of sequences open at once. Rendering them all gets me real time playback on complex timelines, and is a good prep for non-deliverable exports using the "use previews" workflow for instantaneous exports.
If you're looking at this and thinking, "come on, man! I'm not a programmer!" - don't worry. It's written for something called AutoHotKey which is actually super easy to install and create scripts with. Just download it (free), create a new script and paste this in. ----- #NoEnv SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% CoordMode, Mouse, Window SendMode Input #SingleInstance Force SetTitleMatchMode 2 #WinActivateForce SetControlDelay 1 SetWinDelay 0 SetKeyDelay -1 SetMouseDelay -1 SetBatchLines -1
#IfWinActive Adobe Premiere Pro F16:: Loop, 10 { Sleep, 1000 WinActivate, Premiere Pro Sleep, 500 Send, {LControl Down}{s}{LControl Up} ;save WinWaitNotActive, Save Project Sleep, 500 WinActivate, Premiere Pro Sleep, 500 Send, {LAlt Down}{Enter}{LAlt Up} ;render Sleep, 1000 WinWaitNotActive, Rendering Sleep, 500 WinActivate, Premiere Pro Sleep, 500 Send, {Escape} ;esc Sleep, 1000 Send, {LControl Down}{s}{LControl Up} ;save WinWaitNotActive, Save Project Sleep, 500 WinActivate, Premiere Pro Sleep, 500 Send, {LShift Down}{#}{LShift Up} ;switch to next open sequence Sleep, 500 Send, {Escape} ;esc Sleep, 500 } F19::ExitApp Return #IfWinActive --
NOTES / ISSUES: 0. In case this forum messes up the formatting, you can copy it from here:
1. Scanning through the commands, you can see you start it by pressing F16 and it loops 10 times, meaning it renders up to 10 different open sequences (you can change those to whatever you want)
2. It assumes your keyboard commands match the script commands. Change the script or change Premiere so the buttons the script is telling your computer to press actually do the things you want. For example, shift+3 cycles through open sequences. alt+enter renders "entire work area"
3. It assumes you're not messing with the computer while it's running. If you're writing an email in another window, it'll likely start sending the commands there and not Premiere. There are ways to improve this so it can grab Premiere and issue commands even if it's not the active application, but it looked a little over my head and this takes care of my needs just fine for any time I get a call or break for a meal or at the end of the day.
Its usefullness will only scale so far with other workflows, but for the way I am often working, I can't imagine losing it now that I'm used to having it. Hopefully it'll help others as well until Premiere can implement it properly.
Well hopefully it will inspire you to do the equivalent on Mac OS. It's really just a series of keyboard commands. eg:
1. render work area 2. save project 3. switch to next open sequence [repeat]
I added some extra stuff to overcome little issues I was catching, but I'm pretty sure if you had 15 minutes and a willingness to learn, you'd be able to throw that together in Automator or the new "Shortcuts" app and share it with others.
Your other options are: (1) wait for someone else to do it, (2) wait for Adobe to do it, (3) install Windows and use my solution, (4) live without it. 🙂
A long time ago there was a software called Pinnacle Liquid Edition 7.2, which in the future was replaced by Avid Media Composer, both Final Cut and this software have in their development the background render, which facilitates the insertion and rendering of effects during editing, not "wasting time" at the end of editing for export, doing everything automatically
As a FCPX Professional Editor for 10 years (since it released) now being forced to move to Premier can attest just how frustrating it is not having something like background render is... having to deal with crashing on a daily basis, the old as dirt timeline and over all non-intuitive nature of this program I simply can't understand why this is considered a pro tool for editors in 2022.
Hello Reg, three years have gone by. That's a really long look can you provide us on an update on what you've found? This is an extremely popular idea.
For this would be especially nice when I'm doing lots of Dynamic Link which can cripple my timeline. Premiere slowely crawling through the timeline on a few cores and creating either a image sequence in a temp folder, or creating some 12bit RGB Cineform video chunks for faster processing later.
This would speed up so many projects over the years.
I can do some things similarly by using export with previews, but I still can't touch Premiere while it's happening.
Well its very painful to see the long time since we read´a "this is something we are looking into" 4 Years after its still the same. Nothing happened instead a completely new interface nobody likes.
Hello @Reg Santo Tomas, can you update the status? I know that a corporation like Adobe wheels turn slowly… but's not really inciting confidence when the status is "Under Review" for close to a year?
I can't believe its 2023 and we're still talking about background rendering - I remember seeing posts about this in 2017. I've switched to Final Cut and never looked back. I hope Adobe takes this seriously as my entire team converted to Final Cut specifically for this efficiency during editing.
Any update? Render in the background would be great. It doesnt even need to start atometically, I just need to continue working while rendering previews as premiere doesnt use even a fraction of the cpu power of an apple m2 max. Its not good at all at using multicore cpus.
Any update!! Rendering doesnt have to start automatically (although an option would be nice). It just shouldnt block the whole interface while rendering previews..
I've noticed that several Adobe representatives made a lot of promises to folks on January 24, 2023 with very little to zero follow up. Perhaps Adobe could deign to send their spokespeople out to placate the angry masses more than once every two years? Perhaps Adobe could actually execute some of these top rated ideas instead of making false promises?
Jack, this does not change your point about follow-up - more is needed. This is an important feature request that needs an update.
But for context, the date, 1/24/23, was the date Adobe migrated the PR forums from UserVoice Bug/Feature Request system. All posts prior to that date show 1/24/23; all posts since show the actual date.
Only posts with 30 or more votes, or were submitted within 30 days, were migrated. Some have gotten attention and some not. In the meantime, Bugs and Ideas submitted in the new forums have shown more consistent follow-up from staff. The volume is overwhelming.
@Kevin-Monahan did state his support - one of only 6 responses from users or staff before yours since the migration.
The approach I've taken with some, for example adding .VTT export for captions, is to give a summary of the status. (That post was merged with the feature request itself.)
Ah, yes, I forgot about that migration date! Unfortunate that most responses from Adobe are still over a year old with little to no followup. Admittedly it's far worse on the After Effects board, we're lucky to get even an acknowledgement or "Under Review" of years old top-voted requests.