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Layout Frame.io in Premiere same as on website

Participant ,
Apr 24, 2023 Apr 24, 2023

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Hi there,

I love frame.io. I use the website version a lot, but the Premiere plugin a little bit less because I think it is a bit inconvenient. The thing that I like about the website version is that the comments are right next to the video viewer, which makes it practical. You click on a comment and immediatly the video goes to that exact moment and you see everything in one time.

In Premiere this is not the case. You either have the coice to see the video in viewable size with undeneath the video dots which refer to the comments that are placed. The disadvantage is that you don't know which comment is what, since you only see the content of the comment when you hoover the cursor above the dot.
Or you have the choise to see a list of the comments (with content) but with the video as a small thumbnal (practically not usable because it is too small).

I would like to have the choise to view the frame.io plugin the same as on the website. So with big size video and next to it the written comments. This way you can see everything all at once and in detail. I use the maximize window button a lot in Premiere, so when going through my frame.io comments I would maximize the frame.io plugin window (on my second screen) and basically use frame.io like the website and on my other screen I have my Adobe premiere timeline. This way I can keep my original two screen monitor workspace without having to switch to my browser every time to see the convenient website version of frame.io. I hope this makes sence.

Idea No status
Editing and playback , Interoperability or 3rd party tools , User experience or interface






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