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Select all enabled clips, Select all disabled clips on a track

Community Beginner ,
Sep 17, 2024 Sep 17, 2024

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I am an editor of social media content, including vertical reels. After a podcast is edited, we sometimes need to reposition the clips so that one person is stacked vertically at the top and another at the bottom of the window. Because the horizontal YouTube-version edit comes first, we use enabling/disabling of tracks to cut between the two people. After this, we have to enable all disabled tracks so that we can then reposition them side by side. This can take 10-15 minutes to do.


Current way:


Let's say you want to enable all the disabled clips on a track. Currently, you have to hand select each one and then enable/disable, to toggle their visibility. Another way is to lock the other tracks and either use up and down arrow keys, or drag the playhead, with Selection follows Playhead enabled, and then page to each one and enable/disable.


Proposed idea:


On the left side, where you choose track toggling and source patching, it would be great to be able to right-click a track (like when you are going to add/delete tracks) and choose "select all enabled clips" and "select all disabled clips". This would then pick every clip on that track that is enabled/disabled.


This would be a huge time-saver.

Idea No status
Editing and playback , User experience or interface






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