Hebrew containing punctuation characters does not update to RTL in MOGRTs (2024+).
Attached a sample Hebrew SRT.
- Here is Line 1 of the SRT. It should appear as the image below:

- Here is the string typed out: שלום שלום!
Please look closely, because it is appearing incorrectly on this forum display. The punctuation glyph "!" is reversed.
It also appears this way (incorrectly) in a MOGRT.
Here is comparing an Essential Graphics Text Layer with RTL enabled to a MOGRT.
White is Text Layer, red is MOGRT text.

The text layer inside the MOGRT was set to LTR before exporting from AE. Users must pick either LTR or RTL before exporting. But in Premiere Pro, there is no way to change this MOGRT text from LTR to RTL. If a user picks RTL before exporting, they have the reverse problem of flipped punctuation for LTR languages.
Isn't the Universal Text Engine supposed to identify RTL languages and update if-needed?

If not, how can 1 template support both LTR and RTL languages?
I attached an AEP (I would attach sample .mogrts, but they are not supported by the file browser on this forum).
Feel free to ask for clarification. Thanks!