It's possible in Photoshop, but if you have got InDesign, it would be easier. Photoshop (Image > Variables, also see the help file) Short description: Create a database *.txt file, first line the field names separated with tabs. Then the data, also separated with tabs. Save it. Create your A6 file. For each field name create a text layer, layer name = field name. Use menu Image > Variables > Define (top right) Assign the layer to the exact name.(bottom) Next window, import the database *. txt file. Do not click "apply" but click OK and save your file. Batch: Menu File > Export > ... // You'll get hundreds of infotags as single files. *************************** In InDesign you could use the Data Merge feature. The program can arrange 4 tags on 1 sheet of paper, ready for PDF / print. Fenja Edit: For different images on the tags please read the help file, how to include the images as data.
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