There is no other stock services that support AI except freepik and it is not worthy to be honest, adobe
What if he uses another computer, so there is no chance to mix the assets by that. but we share the same WiFi. is it okay now or could we get banned too?
By @abanop_1697
Do whatever you want. You won't get banned for using the same computer or sharing WiFi. You will get banned for violating the terms of the contributor agreement. There is nothing in that agreement prohibiting using the same computer, mouse, screen, keyboard, and there is nothing in that prohibits sharing other things. The terms are purly coined to whatever you submit. And if Adobe has the impression that you are violating the terms, you will get suspended.
It has, however, never occured to me to doubt about my account to get banned. Those who get banned mostly did not read the agreement or simply thought that they can fraud Adobe one way or another.
So again: Read the contributor agreement, read the manuals and read the different blog posts from Adobe.
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