bellevue scott
bellevue scott
‎Oct 30, 2024
11:44 AM
Thank you for the response, but this is just speculation on your part. With all due respect, I'm looking to know what functions of Photoshop require Sonoma, or what in general was optimized that requires Sonoma.
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‎Oct 30, 2024
09:46 AM
The only thing I can think of is that sometimes if I try and move a file I'll get an error that the file is in use. This is a Windows bug that I've never figured out. But why would Adobe Photoshop delete that file if it can't save in the droplet? Why would Adobe PS cause a file to get permanently deleted?
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‎Oct 30, 2024
09:43 AM
I'm surprised nobody here has been able to answer this. What specifically requires Sonoma and why did I get that warning? My experience is that there is nothing in the new OS that I need. Most new OS features are there to provide Apple with new ways to sell you something. With Sonoma, the print settings bugs were enough to keep me away.
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‎Oct 29, 2024
06:31 PM
I made the droplet. I've been using it for a decade, but this is new. It's starting to happen regularly now. The droplet over-rides the save as JPG with a new name "filename-web.jpg". The first save just saves. The error in the log shows this: Start Droplet File: "E:\Octopus 16x20.tif" Error: Could not save "Octopus 16x20.tif" because the file is already in use or was left open by another application. Use 'Chooser' to select a printer and try again. (-45) End Droplet To be sure, the file is not open. When we run the droplet, the file is closed. Sometimes Windows will throw the same error, thinking a file is open when it's not. But if you can't save a file it should just close, not disappear. What is sure is that somehow the file disappears and does not appear in the trash can. So this is a critical PS error. PS is destroying data. When this error occurs the file in question completely disappears.
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‎Oct 25, 2024
12:05 PM
On windows 10, using the PS 25.11.0 release, we have had a couple of instances now where when running a droplet, the file gets deleted and disappears. Has anyone else seen this? It's happening on Win 10 with PS. The droplet flatens the file, saves it, then saves a copy of it at a lower resoltion as a jpg or png.
Any clues or others having seen this would be helpful.
[Actions and Scripting topic added by moderator]
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‎Oct 25, 2024
10:45 AM
1 Upvote
I'm still running my mac on Ventura 13.X because of stability issues and print driver issues between Apple and Epson and other bugs. I just upgraded PS to PS 26 and recieved a message on launch that some features of ps may not work correctly with "older versions of macintosh". But what might those features be? What won't work correctly without Sonoma?
This is on a mac studio pro M1 Ultra
[Mod: Editing title and text (Sanoma -> Sonoma) ]
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‎Jul 15, 2024
03:55 PM
No, I surely don't have rich tools turned on. But thanks. Back when Linkedin Learning was still Lynda, one author did a great tutorial that was really funny on how to disable rich tool tips. Super snarky. Thanks for the tip on the home screen. I have it turned off though. At this point I got past it, but I literally spent about 15 minutes trying to figure out how to get rid of it and disable it this morning and wanted to vent, as well as create a thread for others to find. thanks
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‎Jul 15, 2024
11:51 AM
I finally got fedup with not being able to open an image, and clicked on "get started". PS then opened the image, but gave me a little tutorial popup on how to rotate images. I then opened another image and it happened again. Third image it stopped. I really cannot believe that PS did this. It wouldn't be super bad if you could click "no thank you" and it would leave you alone, but with that button broken, it's just absolutely an obnoxious thing.
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‎Jul 15, 2024
11:23 AM
On A MAC Pro, Monterey 12.6.9, PS 25.9.0. This morning I tried to double click on image files to open them, and each time I'm greeted with this stupidly obnoxious popup and it will not go away. I click on "dismiss" but it does nothing. I can't open any images. Each time I get this popup and when I click "no thank you" it does nothing, and I can't open images. This has got to be the most obnoxious thing Adobe has done in a while. I know how to rotate images. I don't need this. I don't need the popup. I need to work, and I need this to go away. How do I stop this????
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‎Apr 24, 2024
06:50 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks. Indeed. It was that. It was an action being run in an action so I missed it. Solved. Thanks
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‎Apr 24, 2024
04:45 PM
after writing this I can confirm, it's multiple actions, and it's both the actions and the droplets. Always stops on unsharp mask and wants me to confirm with "OK". This started after the 25.7 update.
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‎Apr 24, 2024
03:43 PM
After upgrading to 25.7 on my Mac my actions are now asking for user input. I have actions that normally just run with no issues, but now they're stopping on unsharp mask and I have to click "OK" to continue. I'll often run these actions on numerous files at once, so kind of a problem. Am I the only one with this issue, or have others seen this? Thanks in advance. Hearing yes or no often helps me when something breaks after an update.
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‎Jan 31, 2024
11:17 AM
Thank you. Very nice set of tutorials
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‎Jan 31, 2024
11:14 AM
Thanks. That was helpful. It worked fine once I found that menu again.
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‎Jan 29, 2024
05:27 PM
I'm not applying any settings. I can't find them. They've all been moved and this tool has been so radically changed I don't even recognize it. Where is black and white? Where are those settings now? I can't find them. I feel like a newbie, but I've been using Illustrator for 20 years and suddenly it's unrecognizeable.  
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‎Jan 29, 2024
04:43 PM
Admitedly I don't use Illustrator that often, but I've been using it for 20 years, and image trace has always been easy. Today, using 28.1 on a Mac Studio Pro, I tried to use imagetrace on an image that should have been very very easy. It just comes out white. It's a two color logo, orange and white. I save it as a TIF file, RGB. I placed the file in Illustrator and ran image trace, and I just get a white square. I look in the layers pallet, and there is one layer. It's white. Any ideas? gone are the options of logo, 16 color etc. Now there's just an image trace button, and it doesn't seem to work, unless you want a white square.
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‎Jan 24, 2024
03:41 PM
I am no longer able to drag files into photoshop and have them open. I also can't drag files onto the PS icon in the toolbar and open them that way. If I double click on files then they open in PS, but when I try and drag them into PS in windows I get the little "no" circle with a bar through it indicicating that I can't drag that file into PS. Any ideas? This is happening with tif files. I tried and saved a tif file as a PSD file and it still won't let me drag and drop it onto a PS window to open it that way.
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‎Dec 09, 2023
11:01 AM
I have made some progress, but this is still not resolved, and I surely can't be the only one to experience this. I looked around on the interwebs, and I watched some Youtube videos. One thing helped, and it was this: Go to the droplet, right click, select properties, select the "compatibility" tab, and change the droplet to "run as administrator". Like this: But that's not enough. You then need to navigate to: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\photoshop.exe, right click on the exe and select properties. Now you also set this to "run as administrator on the compatibility tab: The droplet now runs. However, now every time I use the droplet I get the popup message from microsoft saying this program is from an unknown publisher and do I want to continue. Also, every time I launch Photoshop now, I get the same message, and EVERY SINGLE TIME I TRY TO OPEN A FILE I GET THIS MESSAGE NOW:   Again, I'm on 25.0.2 If I open PS 2021, then I don't get that message on launching PS, but I do get the "droplet can't communicate with Photoshop message". Please help. This is making PS completely unusable.  
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‎Dec 07, 2023
09:34 AM
This machine did in fact have beta at one time, but it's been long gone and we've had updates since then. I also tried making the droplet again and running the new droplet and I get the same error. We also tried installing PS 2022 and running it with that version open but now get the same error. Only Windows. We have several other Macs running the latest PS and no issues.
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‎Dec 06, 2023
03:42 PM
We have Windows 10, 10.0.19045, and PS 25.2.0. We have all of a sudden started getting errors when trying to run droplets. We've tried to recreate them and we've also tried to run them as administror, but we always get this error now. "Cannot communicate with Photoshop". We looked through the forums and found some old threads from 2018, but this is 2023. Any ideas on how to fix this? thanks
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‎Nov 07, 2023
02:46 PM
Thanks Kevin! Much appreciated. That's it. But for the crop tool, after your suggestion, I found this, and it reverts the crop tool to the legacy... Those two things were the answer. thanks!  
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‎Nov 07, 2023
02:23 PM
And like this. It seems these resize or crop tools are constantly appearing and they didn't used to. Is there a way to get rid of them?  
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‎Nov 07, 2023
02:20 PM
I've noticed in recent version of PS that the crop handles keep reappearing when I don't want to see them. It's like they're always present. If I go into canvas resize, when I'm done, the crop handles appear. When I'm on a layer and have the move or grab tool selected, they're there. I know it wasn't always like this. How do I stop this behavior?  
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‎Oct 18, 2023
11:29 AM
I use the RGB values in tethered shoots a lot with a color card. Normally I will shoot a color card and then look at the RGB values of my white and black points on a color card. To see the absolute values, rather than relative values, the "S" key has always worked to toggle soft proofing mode, which lets you see the absolute value. So for example, when toggling S, I can see the white point is 242, 242, 242, instead of something like 80.4, 80.2, 80.4 etc. But currently in this version of LR CC, toggling into soft proofing mode doesn't do anything to the histogram. Any idea how I can get that back? I want to see the absolute RGB values in the histogram.
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‎Oct 13, 2023
09:13 AM
Appreciate the help Michael, but I am convinced this is an Adobe issue. I'm not doing anything crazy or special. Sequence settings and camera settings are the same. It's a high end camera. It's a new laptop (M1), with 64GB RAM, and video is off of a USB drive with 1TB free. I've never had issues with it. The sound skipping out is new and there's no reason it should be skipping. Even after doing a full render it does it sometimes. thanks
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‎Oct 11, 2023
03:53 PM
Source Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 16-bit - Stereo Project Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 32 bit floating point - Stereo I can't see anywehre that the settings are different. They're both at 48000 Hz. All the audio is off of a Fuji GFX-100 camera. I've been doing a fair bit of editing lately and this just started happening, but nothing has changed in the file formats I'm using.
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‎Oct 11, 2023
10:08 AM
I'm getting tons of audio drops while previewing a video I'm working on. The audio is there, but as I listen, it will cut out for a few seconds here and there randomly. If I stop and go back, it plays fine, but then later on in new places it drops audio again. the audio and video are mov files from a Fuji GFX-100. Even with the entire video pre rendered, I'm getting random audio drops everywhere. It's super annoying. Not sure if this happens after rend or not.... still checking. Adobe Premier 24.0.0, Mac Ventura 13.4, Macbook Pro, Apple M1 Max, 64GB of RAM, with no other apps open.
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‎Sep 29, 2023
03:16 PM
Thank you. That was something else.
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‎Sep 29, 2023
03:14 PM
thanks for your help.
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‎Sep 29, 2023
12:24 PM
This happens so much that I've kind of given up on the generative fill. Am I doing something wrong? I open a portrait, or head shot, and I select subject and then with generative fill I'll type things like "make him balding" or "give him a receding hairline" or things like that, and every single time Adobe inserts a picture of a completely different person. Am I missing something? It seems so easy. I've tried a million prompts, and every time I get a new person. I want the same person I selected in the headshot. What am I doing wrong? I said "receding hairline" , I didn't say take off his clothes and give me a new person....
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