Wish I could be more specific, but as of recently, seems within this project I'm working on that 2023 attempts to open a file, throws two errors, and then decides the file is corruptable and needs to be saved, while then opening the "corrupted" file as a (converted) file is automatically saves.
"After effects error: error attempting to duplicate a text Object. Skipping the text later. (76::53)"
"your project file is apparently damanged (skipped sectoins: 1) Please save using a different name. (26::0)"
Unfortunately I can't just make a new project from scratch as this is client related AE proj that needs to be duplicated into different languages, but since it just saves a back up converted file I'm not completely lost. Just wondering if anyone else is experience this really odd behavior. I'm using a very simple number counter expression, but I think the "error attempting to duplicate a text object" might be related to the Overlord plugin in some way I don't understand.
Will try importing into new project later and see if that aleviates it, but the converted file seems to work fine with same layers, expressions, everything else. Just odd.