Thank you for reporting this issue. Could you please provide a bit more information about your system and how you encountered this crash?
What are your system specs (OS version, CPU, GPU, RAM)?
What action were you performing when After Effects crashed? E.g. opening a project, playing back, dragging layers, etc.
What version of After Effects are you using?
When you encountered this crash, were you able to submit a crash report? Those reports are critical in helping us investigate these issues, so please submit that with your email if this crash occurs again.
Thanks for reporting this issue and for any further information you can provide,
Thank you for that info @shibishk, much appreciated! And thank you for submitting the crash report.
We've fixed a number of crashes in the latest version of After Effects 2023, which is available today in the Creative Cloud app. While we investigate based on your crash report, would you try updating to After Effects 2023 and see if the crash occurs in that version? It will be installed alongside your existing 22.6 version, so you can easily jump back to the previous version if needed.