Just upgraded to 16.1 and I can no longer access my external monitor. Mercury transit automatically switches to "monitor 2" when I need it to stay on "monitor 1" even after I reset my preferences.
First the preview would pop on my main screen. I created a new user and was finally able to see my preview on the correct monitor. Now I'm actually having AE hang up constantly when I have my second monitor activated for preview. Been having to use the kill process trick to save my work prior to force quitting. Been having to work without a preview monitor... not a great way to animate...
I am on 16.2 and I am having a bug where it will start... stop working halfway through... then AE fails to load past the splash screen.. I have to reset preferences in order to get it working again.
Reminds me why I think there should be a much better application offer in this space. It's amazing how adobe has such a strong position in the filed with this continued poor quality of product.
Thank you for reporting this issue with Mercury Transmit. Please let us know if you are still experiencing this issue in the latest 22.6 version of After Effects, as there have been several fixes and improvements to Mercury Transit over the last few versions.
As mentioned previously, if you are still experiencing issues, please include your OS, GPU, GPU driver, and any video output hardware you are using.
Thanks again for reporting and for any further information you can provide,