There was an error reading the mxf file in the recent updates to After Effect 23.2 and Media Encoder 23.2.
Link is broken for mxf files pre-imported to the project.
An error message occurs when importing a new mxf file, saying it is not supported.
The file has a preset of MXFOP1a XDCAM HD 50 NTSC 60i, and the codec is XDCAMHD 50NTSC (4:2:2) file.
This codec is the standard setting used by my company.
The same file will be read normally in Premier Pro's latest update, 23.1.
It also works fine with AfterEffect 23.1, the previous version update of AfterEffect.
Currently, all Users in my company are experiencing the same issue.
I asked the local customer center in Korea about the issue, but I couldn't get a proper answer.