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after effect preview not work

Community Beginner ,
Apr 07, 2018 Apr 07, 2018

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yesterday this problem happen when press play bottom the review not work

also timeline not moving

i use AE cc 2018

Windows 10 64 bit

Ram 8 GB

you can see the play bottom is square shape and no motion appear






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Explorer , Jul 03, 2019 Jul 03, 2019

When I leave AE open and take a break, a lunch (or leave it open overnight ), when I come back and hit the spacebar, it will play it once without sound and when I stop it and try to play it again, it does nothing. I can scroll the timeline and it composition updates, but can't play it back anymore. When I purge all the cache and memory it cleans it up and it also caches/renders it internally (green bar fills up) but it won't play it. When I check "cache before playback" on Preview panel then it



Community Beginner ,
Nov 19, 2020 Nov 19, 2020

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THANK YOU!!! This worked for me! I didn't even have to restart AE, I just went to Edit > Preferences > Audio Hardware and changed my "Default Output" from my headphones to my laptop speakers.




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New Here ,
Jun 08, 2021 Jun 08, 2021

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FINALLY! This worked! Thank you!





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Explorer ,
Feb 24, 2021 Feb 24, 2021

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Still run into this issue several times a day in 2021...




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New Here ,
Mar 06, 2021 Mar 06, 2021

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i literally can not see the preview panel it has disappeared what do I do now




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Explorer ,
Mar 07, 2021 Mar 07, 2021

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For people out there that want to defend this FLAW from adobe just know this. When I use Boris Effect Silhouette - roto paint software or Mocha Pro, I never have this DUMB preview issue with the cache or clearing the cache. You just set your project up and define where your cache will be and if you have enough space it WORK! I can playback any resolution as long as I have enough ram. I have 192 gigs of RAM and a dedicated 2TB cache drive. I work in silhouette or mocha and can playback realtime playback 4k withhout having to do anything! Just caches the frames then BOOM playback full res. Some where between 2005 to 2010 ADOBE got rid of multithreaded rendering and its been a PITA for literally YEARS. It used to be a champ and crush PREVIEWS. Now in 2021 I am still going to the media cache and clearing..  ALSO in these other programs like Silhouette and Mocha Pro they have the ZOOM set by 10% + - increments.. So you can get real close and zoom in or zoom out and find the area you need to examine... AE has been stuck with 100, 50, 25, 10 for literally 28 years!!!! They never thought it mattered I guess. But USE one of these modern software packages Like silohuette and Mocha and you will see HUGE PERFORMANCE and simple ZOOOM IN AND OUT capability of a modern program in 2021!!!!!  ADOBE doesnt think anyone has noticed they stink with upgrading the product. This program should have been RECODED and REDEVELOPED YEARS and YEARS AGO!!!  ALL OF THESE SUBSCRIPTIONS..THEY ARE ALMOST AS RICH AS APPLE!!!! AND WE SHOULD HAVE REALTIME VIDEO EFFECTS IN 2021!! NOT CHECKING THE FREAKING CACHE!! WHY ISNT IT SMART ENOUGHT TO CLEAR THE CACHE OR ASK YOU OR COMPRESS IT OR WHATEVER!!! 




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Engaged ,
Apr 26, 2021 Apr 26, 2021

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So let me get this straight... ...You work with an application bundle that doesn't have variable audio system access, only variable video output, on a machine with god-sized ram and god-sized space, and think that somehow an application designed to work on machines matching a wide range of capability from minimalist to beyond your system, with both variable audio and variable video output modules that opperate independently of one another should work exactly the same as your app on your system, when people here have systems ranging from 16gb ram, 4vram, with hdmi and dolby sound built in to their onboard?  I don't mean to insult or injure, but please, try to be helpful, or provide some information on your particular problem so that we can try to help you.  Otherwise your post just takes up space.  That's not to say your aren't important to this community.  Just try to be in THIS commmunity when you post, not in the community of another app.  But I do appreciate you.





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Explorer ,
Apr 26, 2021 Apr 26, 2021

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you comment doesnt make any sense. If I have more than enough ram and system resources YES I expect Adobe after effects to work exactly as it supposed. In fact it should work even better. Your long winded rant about mutli-tier systems from minimal to maximum does not confuse me. The problem we are all experiencing isnt a mystery either. Its just the dang PREVIEW /CACHE often times doesnt work as it should. We have had this issue for years. Its a known issue that we have just lived with. And most just come up with a range of things to get it on track again.  We shouldnt have to clear out our cache manually when other applications can do this automatically without an issue.




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Contributor ,
Apr 09, 2021 Apr 09, 2021

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Please Adobe, fix this anoying issue what begun in some update few months ago...





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Engaged ,
Apr 26, 2021 Apr 26, 2021

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For reference, I work on a mobile desk (a gaming laptop), with 16gb of ram, a quad i7 and an nvidia 980 with 4gb vram.  My working spaces vary from approx 120gb to 1tb, and I can only work with that much data at onceover mobile (and much slower) interfaces.  I had the same problem, and it had little to do with cache locations or space.  It had everything to do with whether or not my system was sending audio over an audio interface that used a dolby-styled digital framework.

There have been others who have adjusted all their drivers and cleared cache to get this functioning again.  Others, like me, have an onboard pc audio system that's a surround-based unit.  In order to get the volume to play through at a decent level, I need to turn on the enhanced driver, which adds power to the main speakers and turns on the rest of the speakers.  However, in order for this driver to send the audio, it must be converted to a digital surround compatible format before being sent to its output side.  If I turn this on before I start any adobe video application, the playback cacheing does not work so perfectly.  However, I have found that turning this on after the app is started and the playback begun, the function is rather normal.  In the 2018 version of the software, it wouldn't work at all with the enhancer on in any app, ever.  With the 2020 version of adobe suite, sound apps or others that don't do frame-video will function normally in this way.  However, the issue still persists.

Here is my startup practice:

1. turn off enhancer

2. open app

3. turn off the dv and AR engines in settings of AE or Premiere (Or both)

4. Turn on enhancer

5. Turn on DV and AR engine in AE or Premiere (or both)

6. Wait for cache location hinting to catch up

7. Go to work


IF you have a system with enough memory, you can cache your playback for longer periods.  I do not have that capability.  If you turn off this feature however, you may find your preview stuttering if you don't have a really powerful CPU (at least 8 cores).  Cacheing is the same as rendering, and, depending on what format you use for your output module, your cache will playback faster when compressed, but slower while compressing.  Turning off the cache before playback forces your processor to handle the compression and the decompression in direct succession for each played frame.  You can do better with a less compressed format, but it will require more memory to process efficiently.




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Explorer ,
May 20, 2021 May 20, 2021

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FWIW, in my case, it turned out that I had imported a bad audio file. Once I got rid of the audio file and restarted AE, it worked. So if you have an issue where the playback stops working AND if you had just imported a file, try deleting that last file and reopening AE.

AE2021, Win10 64bit




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New Here ,
Oct 31, 2021 Oct 31, 2021

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I've tried everything but it still takes about 5 seconds to actually play and on all of my other projects it plays right away. The project its doing it on is super simple and only has about 5 clips with no effects yet





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