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Is there anyone who can help me with this error:
After Effects error: There was an error processing this PDF document. (1074397201)(50::29)
The projectfile won't open. I work on an the Mac, AE CC 2018 macOS sierra 10.12.6i
i copied the file to a empty folder and tried to open it here without any media files but with the same result.
I am kinda lost here, so any help is most appreciated.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your reply.
Although i suspected CYMK mode could cause problems in AE, i don't think it caused the error in this case.
(i just imported an CYMK AI file in AE, closed and opened the file with no problems)
I did some tests and learned that i imported the illustrator file in alphabetical layer order. Later on i changed that order in AI and on reopening AE got the error. The error can be clicked away as many times there are layers in the AI file. I had a lot of layers in the original
...Solved this by simply changing the file name...from i.e XXX-Main.aep to XXXMain.aep
For some reason AE doesn't like "-" in the file name.
My guess is remove any non alphanumeric characters and this will solve the error.
Hope this helps.
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Use Illustrator to determine if it's CMYK or RGB color. If it's CMYK, use Illustrator to convert it to RGB.
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Hi Dave,
Thanks for your reply.
Although i suspected CYMK mode could cause problems in AE, i don't think it caused the error in this case.
(i just imported an CYMK AI file in AE, closed and opened the file with no problems)
I did some tests and learned that i imported the illustrator file in alphabetical layer order. Later on i changed that order in AI and on reopening AE got the error. The error can be clicked away as many times there are layers in the AI file. I had a lot of layers in the original file so i thought AE had crashed on me.
So lesson learned, don't change layer order in AI when you already imported it in AE in alphabetical order
And better safe then sorry alway's change CYMK to RGB
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I also had the same issue but in my case the problem was not CMYK mode.
I am using the After Effects 2019 and CMYK mode Ai files are easily imported in this verion of AE but the actual problem was the files path. I am using the windows and the file path was very long as it was a template and when I shorten the file path by bringing the template file to main drive there was no issue at all.
So if someone have the same issue then try to shorten the file path and file name.
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It worked..Thank you
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Solved this by simply changing the file name...from i.e XXX-Main.aep to XXXMain.aep
For some reason AE doesn't like "-" in the file name.
My guess is remove any non alphanumeric characters and this will solve the error.
Hope this helps.
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Thank you so much! Your solution worked for me 🙂
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Thank You !!
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Thank's !
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For me it helped to rename and shorten the layers - which were by the way all cmyk.
Unbelievable, but true. 😉
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I solved this issue!!! Just copy the folder with AE project to another directory with shorter path, for instance on the desktop!!!
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Solved the same Issue naming the files with less characters.
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Gold! This solved the problem for me!
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Good call! Thank you!
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The main issue comes from Ai file, I tried to duplicate the Ai file and convert it to RGB color, then I replace the old Ai file with the duplicated one, and finally, it was fixed, at least it worked for me.