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CC 2018 Worst update Ever? AE can't convert some cc 2017 projects

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Oct 30, 2017 Oct 30, 2017

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Since updating, AE can't convert some cc 2017 projects.

infinite converting "loop" stuck at 92 or 93 %

Same thing when opening already converted projects.

Almost worked fine last week, nothing special on weekend and not working anymore on monday.

Infinite loading loop stuck at either 92 or 93 %.

Tried loading auto-saved projects : no success.

Tried caps-lock trick : no success.

Having a really bad nightmare here.

I mean, what's the point of releasing an update if you get to loose your work ?

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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Nov 14, 2017 Nov 14, 2017

Hi PGZ Mobibase,

In my case I found it more efficient to go back to older versions of my projects (about 10 versions) either from "auto save" 2017 or from my main projects.

I am a big fan of completing all projects in the version they were created in. This is also the case with my video projects. If it's a project that needs to be carried forward across a major new version, I allow a period of testing for unexpected behavior. If there is too much of that, I spend time rebuilding elements in a new




People's Champ ,
Oct 30, 2017 Oct 30, 2017

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PGZ@Mobibase  wrote

I mean, what's the point of releasing an update if you get to loose your work ?

It's a negative feedback loop.  Adobe is a public company more dedicated to it's investors than it's users.  Dev teams get deadlines by which their work must be released unlike an independent company that can release it when it's ready.

This pressure combined with the impersonal nature of working for a company as large as Adobe & that meeting managements agenda

is probably more beneficial to the individual in the long run than innovating and attention to detail.

This all results in sub-par software which causes the user base to criticize & blame the dev team which then hurts morale & eventually people are just "phoning it in" as the expression goes & looking for a way out.  Which results in longer dev time & more patyches which results in more pressure from management and loop goes on from there.  To a company as large as Adobe the quarterly financials are all that really matters to captains....that trickles down and infects everything below it..It kills passion & innovation.  God bless America.






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Oct 30, 2017 Oct 30, 2017

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Nice analysis of the current state of affairs at Adobe, Gutter-Fish. 

I can't ell you how grateful I am that my IT Guy didn't get around to updating CC on my machine until a week before CC 2018 came out.  I got all the bug fixes for CC 2017.  |

Who cares if I'm a version behind?  I have software that stands a fighting chance at actually working as advertised.





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Oct 30, 2017 Oct 30, 2017

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/Dave+LaRonde  a écrit

Who cares if I'm a version behind?  I have software that stands a fighting chance at actually working as advertised.

Exactly Dave,

I should have done the same, as I usually have for the past 10 years regarding software and OS's.Made an exception because of the new Json data feature in After effects.

Anyways, when a workflow is optimized, never take the risk of updating to a "too fresh" new version.

Wait for the usual bug corrections, and in the end, wait for a more "mature" update.

Nevertheless, I understand Adobe's position even if I don't agree with it : If you don't grow, you die.
Maybe part of the problem is that if they don't keep growing, adding new features and inter-software connections, the company's growth will eventually stop, which would end in the death of the company ?

Kind of sad right now. I've been Adobe fan and defender for years.

Really hope I won't have to look for alternatives.





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Oct 30, 2017 Oct 30, 2017

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Your point can easily be disproved by looking at Nuke, Fusion or other compositing tools. There's no requirement whatsoever to intertwine the apps so deeply. More to the point, making the apps dependent on each other is just another way of furthering a proprietary, closed monopoly...






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Oct 30, 2017 Oct 30, 2017

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PGZ@Mobibase , I am guessing M is in a foul mood but just to be clear, I was not trying to ignore the problem - on the contrary. And another thing - ACP does not mean working for Adobe or even a big supporter. I have my share of complaints but figured ranting about it instead of solving or working around your issue would be a waste of time.

1st thing you should do is complete your project

* if you unable to open a CC2017 version in CC2018: install CC2017 and open the project there.

* if you unable to open a CC2018 project in CC2018: before opening the project, try renaming the footage folder so the files will be missing when you open the project. if the project opens, save it as previous version (save a copy as 14) and close CC2018, change the footage folder back to the original name and open the project in CC2017, locate the missing files.

2nd thing you should do is file a detailed bug report about this issue.





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Advocate ,
Nov 14, 2017 Nov 14, 2017

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I was a product manager and prior to that an engineer at a large company that made complex systems for genetic analysis and prior to that worked in aerospace.  Adobe software not only has lots of moving parts, but it has to play well with a huge number of other things with many moving parts. 

I learned the hard way not to upgrade the more complicated applications at the launch.  I do the simple ones when they come out.  And I would never in a gazillion years upgrade mid-project.  That said i think Adobe upgrading everything at once is a circular firing squad.  What's the line from Airplane- I picked a heck of a week to stop sniffing glue...

In the missile business they had a game called launch poker- as a test missile came closer and closer to the launch date teams would come to meetings and say they were on time.  Once someone bit the bullet and took the delay there were lines of teams at the assembly room there to take their components back for rework or more testing. 

My experience is someone in test always knows what is going to happen, it's almost always on the bug list,  and depending on company culture someone on mahogany row decides to roll the dice. Or not.





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Oct 30, 2017 Oct 30, 2017

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I mean, what's the point of releasing an update if you get to loose your work ?

I haven't come across the issue you are describing but don't forget you can still keep other versions alongside the latest version. no reason to uninstall CC2017 when installing CC2018 (just make sure when you update to remove the checkbox from "remove old versions") and you can always re-install any version from CS6 using the CC App.





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Oct 30, 2017 Oct 30, 2017

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Thanks for the pep talk. Since you're so concerned, you might consider doing your ACP designation justice and work harder on the Beta so these things don't happen... CC2018 is a bloody mess. 'nuff said.






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New Here ,
Nov 10, 2017 Nov 10, 2017

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Have same issue... AFX 2017 projects will not open in 2018 update.  A JOKE. 

Reinstalling 2017 now... hopefully they will fix it.

You would expect better from ADOBE.





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Nov 10, 2017 Nov 10, 2017

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thomask66241897  wrote

You would expect better from ADOBE.

You just have to know how Adobe works since it went to Creative Cloud -- the initial release of any new version will be a bloody mess.  Those gullible enough to bite on it will have problems, which don't get sort-of-completely sorted out until the second big bug fix.

Anyone who expects the initial release to work as advertised is living in a Dream World.





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People's Champ ,
Nov 10, 2017 Nov 10, 2017

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thomask66241897   wrote

AFX 2017 projects will not open in 2018 update.  A JOKE.

I've had no problems opening projects from 2017 (& earlier) in 2018.  Hows that for a joke?

Rather than just name calling, how about trying to be helpful be providing project specifics and system specs

to Adobe so they might help you resolve the issue YOU are having.

Or you can just go on name calling....which requires zero thought or effort.






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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 13, 2017 Nov 13, 2017

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Hi PGZ%40Mobibase,

Are you still experiencing this problem? Let us know specifics of your system and media and we can try to assist.


Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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New Here ,
Nov 13, 2017 Nov 13, 2017

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Good day,

I opened another thread with similar problems. I also contacted the Adobe support and uploaded screenshots, msinfo-file and all the chit-chat your support requested.

My problems have now been persisting for 3 weeks but the Adobe support has yet to provide me with useful information.

Since this is happening on my work pc, I can't work and furthermore keep our it-department busy.

When will you be providing us with useful information and a solution to these problems?





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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 14, 2017 Nov 14, 2017

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Hi PGZ Mobibase,

I can't work and furthermore keep our it-department busy.

You have an IT department? Are you using an enterprise version of After Effects? If so, continue working with IT and our Tier 3 agents to find a solution to your issues. I am not experiencing these issues on my own system and cannot reproduce individual project errors. Sorry. If you continue to face issues with new projects in the software and our highest level of support cannot assist you in the next week or so, send me a PM.


Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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New Here ,
Nov 15, 2017 Nov 15, 2017

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You have an IT department?

I don't, but the company I work for does.


If you continue to face issues with new projects in the software and our highest level of support cannot assist you in the next week or so, send me a PM.

Will do.





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New Here ,
Nov 20, 2017 Nov 20, 2017

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Well, so I did contact the support (couple of times) and talked to them on the phone. They did promise to get back to me.

However all they did was close the ticket without further talking to me or suggesting any kind of solution.

All I got was an email that says "I am very happy to have solved your problem to your full satisfaction." Based on what grounds was that email sent to me, or do you assume that my problem was solved - when you yourself did nothing to help solve it??? You cannot be serious!

Bottom line: Adobe support did NOTHING AT ALL to help and my problems with AE and PP still persist.





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People's Champ ,
Nov 20, 2017 Nov 20, 2017

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ita4104868  wrote

However all they did was close the ticket without further talking to me or suggesting any kind of solution.

Sometimes talking to tech support can be frustrating, luckily you have a ticket number and the support technicians name so you can call back, ask for a supervisor and refer them to your ticket so they know exactly who is responsible for treating you that way.

How exactly did you contact support?  For some reason every fiber of my being is telling me that you didn't contact support but rather submitted bug reports.






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New Here ,
Nov 20, 2017 Nov 20, 2017

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"For some reason every fiber of my being is telling me that you didn't contact support but rather submitted bug reports."

And why is that? Anyhow, every fiber of your being is wrong.

You chose to ignore the part where I explicitly say I did contact them and talked to them on the phone. 4 times btw. I also submitted msinfo-, Log-files, screenshots and such twice.





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People's Champ ,
Nov 20, 2017 Nov 20, 2017

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I never "choose" to ignore anything.  






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Participant ,
Nov 14, 2017 Nov 14, 2017

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Hi Kevin,

First of all thank you for your concern.

I did not have the time lately to post any evolution regarding the issue.

Needed to catch up with the time lost by "fixing the problem".

In my case I found it more efficient to go back to older versions of my projects (about 10 versions) either from "auto save" 2017 or from my main projects.

Luckily I could convert some of my main projects to 2018 with success and could actually re-do the work missing on these older project versions (knowing exactly what I had to do).

It took some efforts but at least now It's working.

Nevertheless, I can't help but making the following analogy :

If Adobe was a car company (for example Ford) and you would buy a car.

At one point the company claims it can make your car safer, faster and add options like gps / radio to it.

You would bring the car to them, wait for the upgrade, pick it up, and right as you are exiting the parking, your car breaks.

It would break because you are running on gasoline but the upgrade REQUIRES that you run on hydrogen or any other energy.

But you did not know that.

It is nice to have upgrades.

The technology you guys build is fantastic.

But I would never trade upgrades at the expense of actual workflows and ongoing projects.





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People's Champ ,
Nov 14, 2017 Nov 14, 2017

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Here's another analogy.  Let's say a car company (does it really matter which one?) was like Adobe.  Every year they offer car owners a free upgrade.  However, because of the fact everybody runs their car on a different kind of fuel (i.e. different system hardware) the yearly upgrades always cause varying levels of

malfunction on certain peoples cars while not affecting others at all.   These issues are further complicated by the fact many of the customers know nothing about cars or how to manage them and furthermore do not know how to take care of the garages (computers) where they keep their cars.  The car company has no way of knowing

what fuel people are using to power their car or the physical condition of their garage....you maybe get the idea?

So this happens every year.  Some people lose work, can't work, get totally screwed, etc....

Yet, every year these customers run out and let the car company upgrade their cars anyway.

They don't keep a copy of the old car or bother to clean out their garages or familiarize themselves with possible risks or problems people experienced in the preceeding updates...etc, etc...you get the idea.. Then that customer, who's car was SOOOOO critical to their source of income that they didn't bother to do one iota of prep or housekeeping or research about past updates and risks...etc, etc.....complains that it's the car COMPANY'S FAULT? Huh?

I will not argue that Adobe is doing sloppy work and the constant updates are not necessary and that they should ditch the subscription model so that not any invertabrea with an allowance could come around asking for information they were too lazy or too spineless or brainless to find out on their own ranting at Adobe because of their own foolish decision.   I also will not argue that i think Adobe should require proof age & a minimum IQ before letting people post on these forums.

I would not argue against any of these aforementioned failings of Adobe.

I'm simply saying.  Don't run out and upgrade your "automobile" every year without taking the precautions necessary to protect your precious (and probably imaginary) job.

I'm saying that even in this hypotheitical & idiotic comparison of After Effects to a Ford Fiesta...the hypothetical car owners who run out and upgrade every year....are idiots, and while gleaning the help of a few, deserve to bear every ounce of the weight their foolishness brings down on them.

I used to work with a team that strove to mix, form & bake 1,000 loaves of artisan bread a night that met a certain standard of quality.

So we anticipated that 25 to 50 would be burnt, stunted, over-fermented, malformed or otherwise un-sellable and culled to the trash heap to be eaten by rats or vagrants or Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein.  I'm not saying that everyone should anticipate the the un-sellable loaves.  I'm saying that some people ARE un-sellable loaves.

BTW....I am taking donations to try and get a heart replacement.  Mine has grown cold and dark.






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Participant ,
Nov 14, 2017 Nov 14, 2017

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Thanks for your personnal opinion.

Honestly I did not expect such a "passionate" answer.

I was answering Kevin who took the time to enquire about the issue, which is a good thing.

By giving such a "stupid" analogy as you put it, I was giving a user/customer feedback and feeling.

You may agree, or not. It is your right.

But since you seem to know some much about my 20+ years of experience with AE and my "imaginary jobs", I would suggest that you try to read a little more carefully the entire messages before being insulting or condescendant.

Not agreeing with someone does not imply disrespecting each other.





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People's Champ ,
Nov 14, 2017 Nov 14, 2017

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PGZ@Mobibase  wrote

But since you seem to know some much about my 20+ years of experience with AE

Putting aside the fact that earlier you claimed you had 10 years experience, If you do have 20+ years experience with AE then you ABSOLUTELY have only yourself to blame.  And I did not imply any disrespect toward you.  I was quite overt about it.  And I was not condescendant (or even condescending).  And I know very well I am allowed to disagree with you, thank you.  And your analogy was, not surprisingly, stupid.






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Participant ,
Nov 14, 2017 Nov 14, 2017

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Since you clearly are not as stupid as I am, maybe you could have made the diference between :

1) "I should have done the same, as I usually have for the past 10 years regarding software and OS's.Made an exception because of the new Json data feature in After effects."

and 2) "having 20+ years of experience."

Which by the way allows a user to prevent this kind of mistakes through A LOT of trial and error (about 10 years ?)

Finally, just a reminder : "It is nice to have upgrades.

The technology you guys build is fantastic.

But I would never trade upgrades at the expense of actual workflows and ongoing projects."

Anyways, thanks for this pleasant chat.

A real nice community experience. Encouraging people to share different points of view as yours.

Keep up the good work.





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