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My project is set at 24fps, in Preferences > Import > Sequence Footage I have set 24fps for every footage I import.
When importing a PSD file as a Composition, this comp is set at 29.97fps. Same thing for every PSD group.
I import many PSD every day, so it is annoying to remember every time that I have to manually change framerate.
Is there a way to set the default framerate of an imported PSD file?
1 Correct answer
The default frame rate (on US based AE anyway) is a HD 1080 Composition with a 29.97 framerate. So if you ever reset your preferences it would go back to that.
Just make the dummy comp like I suggested before importing the PSD file and that should take care of the problem. I just make the dummy comp, set it to the settings I want than click OK. After it's created I delete it and then import my PSd or Ai file as a comp just like normal.
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Nothing to do with AE. You need to change the default framerate for the animation timeline in Photoshop. This is a document setting that are honors and interprets.
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Pretty sure that only works when importing video layers from PS not the way layer groups are converted to nested comps.
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The sequence settings only apply to importing image sequences you know like a stop motion or time-laspe photo sequence, they have nothing to do with the way AE imports/creates comps.
The framereate of the main comp and all nested comps during the PSD - Import as Composition is set to whatever the default framerate for comps currently is in AE.
Basically, everytime you open Composition Settings dialog box you are setting the default for the next comp you create. During the import as composition process (for PSD and AI files) the dimensions are taken from the imported file but everything else (the stuff PS and AI don't have like frame rate, pixel aspect ratio, etc.) is taken from that default setting.
I teach people to create a dummy comp before importing either a PSD or AI so that they can control the settings of the comps that Ae will automatically create.
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thanks @Mylenium, I am trying to put the layers in the timeline and change the framerate, it's just a try but could help
thanks @thepixelsmith:
The framereate of the main comp and all nested comps during the PSD - Import as Composition is set to whatever the default framerate for comps currently is in AE.
That's the point. I've searched everywhere for a "default framerate for comps" setting but I couldn't find it, and that's where I am pretty sure I'll solve my problem. Can you tell me where it is?
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I explained it in the next paragraph.
Every time you open the Comp Settings dialog box, you are setting the default for all new comps.
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I have set no comp at 29.97. Never. I only set my comps at 24. So, from where came PS colmps at 29.97? 😉
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The default frame rate (on US based AE anyway) is a HD 1080 Composition with a 29.97 framerate. So if you ever reset your preferences it would go back to that.
Just make the dummy comp like I suggested before importing the PSD file and that should take care of the problem. I just make the dummy comp, set it to the settings I want than click OK. After it's created I delete it and then import my PSd or Ai file as a comp just like normal.
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Thanks a lot, I guess this is the solution.
I work in europe but I installed all adobe apps in US english, therefore I guess I have the same default frame rate as yours.