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I need to export a very wide Quicktime animation video that is 28,576px x 64px. Every time I export the video, it is black and there is also no preview. It does export as an MP4 but it automatically changes the width to 16384 × 64. I can't figure out how to even make a MP4 that is 28,576px x 64px. Any ideas why?
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MP4 has standards and your frame size does not match any standard format. This looks like it might be for a big, wide, animated display of some kind. If it is you need to figure out exactly what format they use and what compressors can be used to supply a video in that format.
For the original export, I would choose Image Sequence and probably .tiff images. My second choice would be to use the default lossless preset in the Output Module. I would never do the first export of a project like this with the Adobe Media Encoder. Use the Render Cue.
When you get the file specs from the folks that are going to playback this file, follow their recommendations exactly. The only time you look like you do not know what you are doing is when you don't ask and deliver what you think the client wants.
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Thank you but I do have the file specs. I need to make a Quicktime animation video that is 28,576 px x 64 px. Unfortunately when I do this the video exports black
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I'm not aware that there is even a QT CoDec that would go beyond the typical 16000 pixel mark in either dimension. You know, legacy formats and old days computer math. So from where I sit this request probably doesn't make much sense unless the client has some sort of custom CoDec that only uses QT as a container. I would strongly advise to inquire and double-check again or else you may be spending a lot of time for nothing. Again, the request simply doesn't make a lot of sense on several levels and you are missing a critical bit of information here.
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Quicktime Animation codec is not the right file spec because as Mylenium said, the frame size is limited by the standard set when the codec was designed. Where did you get this spec? Did the client provide any samples?
If you are concerned with the project rendering a black frame then export a frame as a file or even a short image sequence. If it's still black something else is wrong. If the frame size changes and the Render Settings are for full resolution, then the codec is wrong and somebody sent you a bad spec or improper instructions.
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If you view ultra HD using QuickTime Players or most other consumer Video Players/Apps you'll get a black screen. You'll need pro software to view ultra HD files - use PPro. Having said this, PPro does have a max limit and I believe it's either 8K or 10K.
I suggest you get back to your client to tell them of the issue you are having and to request specific guidance on the software required to encode to MP4, at the resolution they have requested. Then ask for specific encoding details that you will have to apply within this app, to suit their needs. Good Luck.
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Thank you. You're right.
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I just had the same issue for a arena video ribbon board that was 11616x48. I found that if I export it as a quicktime file, that the blackbars on the side go away.