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When I import Illustrator File into after effects, all my layers get put in the center of the composition instead of keeping their position in the frame.
I separated out my layers
My Illustrator artboard is 1920X1080 (matching composition)
I've clicked the checkbox (Import As: Composition - Retain Layer Sizes) after i've selected the file i'm going to import
Can someone help? Lol
You did everything right except you did not open the comp that was created when AE imported the AI file as a comp. You made a new comp, selected all of the layers and dropped them in a new comp. What you got makes sense because all of the layers anchor points are in the center of the artwork. This is a mistake someone that has not done any homework on the process almost always makes.
Try opening the aaaaaaa comp at the top of the Project panel.
Before you go too much farther check out the Us
...OMG you’re right. Well, don’t I feel stupid. Thank you Rick!
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You did everything right except you did not open the comp that was created when AE imported the AI file as a comp. You made a new comp, selected all of the layers and dropped them in a new comp. What you got makes sense because all of the layers anchor points are in the center of the artwork. This is a mistake someone that has not done any homework on the process almost always makes.
Try opening the aaaaaaa comp at the top of the Project panel.
Before you go too much farther check out the User Guide and do some research on preparing artwork for video using Illustrator and Photoshop.
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OMG you’re right. Well, don’t I feel stupid. Thank you Rick!
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Hi Rick, its great that you responded to this person, but the implication that someone hasn't 'done their homework' is pretty condescending. I'm having a similar problem as this person and it makes me hesitate to ask the community for fear of being ridiculed. I've been searching for an answer to a scaling up issue from AI to AE with layers and can't resolve it either. The files are extremely pixelated and blurry in AE when scaled either singularly in their own 'vector layer' or in the main comp. I can't figure it out.
I've been doing work with Adobe products for a living since 2016! Learning via online info can be really challenging, so give people the benefit of the doubt please. Your knowledge is greatly appreciated without the bite.
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I’m really sorry that you feel threatened by somebody pointing out that you need to do some homework. I do homework almost every day. I also take severe criticism on my work from my clients and my peers. That’s how the world works.
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Rick, Looks like you’re taking criticism from yvonnevl while telling us how the world works. Thanks!
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sorry Rick but I have to agree with everybody else on this, you can give information without feeling the need to be condescening about it. there's your severe criticism for the day.
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You are right that taking criticism on your work from peers is part of the industry and you have to learn to accept that, but ridiculing someone when asking for help for not knowing one of the many facets of what may be a new software is not what one should do when offering advice. I have watch hours and hours of tutorials on lynda to learn after effects, and there is still so much I have difficulties with. I think the community guidlines that sit above every reply window emphasize this. Do you think students should be ridiculed in class for raising their hand and asking a question? I hope not. Graded on the work they turn in. Yes, but this forum is for learning and helping. Thank you for helping but I dont think it was necessary to say it in that way. if you feel that strongly about people learning there are more polite ways to suggest that.
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Suggesting that your homework is ridiculing and belittling. I did not know that. I humbly beg your pardon.
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Wouldn't coming to this forum and asking for help count as doing your homework? Isn't this a community? Apparently asking a question in a forum for the product you are using is just some superfluous use of your time. Maybe next time just answer the question without any snide remarks or looking down your nose at the original poster?
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Rick I realize I am three years late here to come to you rescue. I totally side with Rick here. You millenials are soooo sensitive. Like what are you all going to do when terrible stuff happens to you in life? (which it will)
Crawl into the fetal position I imagine, and ball like a baby?
Adobe products, by natue require constant homework. Adobe has amazing product, yes... are they a freaking headache?...absolutlely So all of you gen z or i or whatever, go back to Starbucks and drink you latte and whine about the semi-rude guy Rick on the Adobe Forum. Then whine about the amazingly rude dude Nate (me) that called you all panzies.
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I have no idea what was just explained here. The process used to work and now it doesn't and this doesn't help.
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Import as a comp with Illustrator or Photoshop works as it always has. You have to open the comp that AE creates, not create a comp from the layers that are imported. No current bugs, no reported bugs that I know of, and new and old projects that I work on almost every day still work as they should.
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Mike did you ever get an answer? I finally figured out that when I imported either Ai or Ps layers that a new composition was created. It’ll show up right next to your layers that you imported. You double click the composition and all the layers pop up perfectly in new window.
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Thanks for circling back on this. I tried it again and it works. In previous attempts I was not opening the comp that AE creates after importing from Illustrator.
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Also thanking you, Mike for this simple solution I was missing. Took HOURS to find it while "doing my homework".
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THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I can't beilive it took me so long to see you just have to double click the composition!
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Thank you! This was driving me nuts, then I got sucked into the drama from 2.5 years ago and forgot what answer I was looking for, but finally found it in your response. Thank you so much!
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Rick did pass along some valuable info - it just helped me with a project.
That said, I thought the same thing everyone else did. Rick acted a little bit like something that rhymes with Rick.
I agree that one should do one's homework and that coming here for answers is part of that homework. This is a forum for asking questions and learing. Pressumably, the people answering the questions do so to help, not dump on people.
I'm not some soft-handed "snowflake" who can't take critisizm. I get it from clients, too, at times. That doesn't make me want to slap somoene's hand for asking a question - unless they're lazy and keep asking the same question without practicing and committing it to memory.
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I'm not offended by you calling me a Dick...
Labeling someone as such tells everyone a lot more about you than it does about me.
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The world's gone soft hasn't it Rick
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A soft Dick.. The name, moderators, the name.
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This really helped, thanks Rick