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Hi I'd really like some help with this, I need to create null objects with names and position values from a .csv file, working with external data is not something I've done a great deal of
I've got a .csv with 146 entires, column 1 is x position, column 2 y position and column 3 a name
I've imported the .csv, AE can see the data, I know I can call specific fields with "footage("data.csv").dataValue([1,1])" for example, but can I write a script that will create 146 null objects with x,y and name data from each row of the csv file?
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I think if I can get the expression to dynamically update when I duplicate the layer that will be the easiest way
So I create one null object with an expression to call the position data from the first line of the csv file:
X = thisComp.layer("data.csv")("Data")("Outline")("x")("x 1");
Y = thisComp.layer("data.csv")("Data")("Outline")("y")("y 1);
[X, Y]
and if I create a variable based on the layer index number I can use that instead of the row number
var idx = thisLayer.index;
Z = idx;
X = thisComp.layer("data.csv")("Data")("Outline")("x")(Z);
Y = thisComp.layer("data.csv")("Data")("Outline")("y")(Z);
[X, Y]
So now if I duplicate my null 146 times, the top layer calls for Row 1 of the data file, the second layer Row 2 and so on
Not perhaps the most beautiful solution but it works so I've shared it
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Well done!
That's the most straight forward way using expression.
To create null objects from the *.csv data, you will need a script. Expressions cannot create objects, just manipulate the ones which are already there.