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Hey guys,
I got a strange problem. Sometime when I import a music file, or replace a music footage with another music file using the "replace()" or "importFile()" method, the music layer added one second noise at the beginning. like this,
Does anyone know what's going on here?
I'm using After Effects CS6 windows Server 2008 64bit.
Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Win server isn't supported officialy, so that alone may pose a problem. That said, without knowing what makes up your comps, in particular what audio, nobody can say much. The commonly accepted hypothesis would be that this could be issues with compressed audio files vs. the media cache, but that's about it... Anything more woulkd require much more detailed information.
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Hi Myleniu,
Thanks for your replay. Actually, it doesn't matter what makes up my comp, this problem just randomly happen when I render any comp. For example, I have a comp named "noise", I run a script to replace the music then render it, I use a "for" loop to do this 5 times and the music noise problem just happen one time.
I'm starting to think that win server might be the problem.