ACES works great now for pure footage or pure CG renders.
Problem is it doesn't really work for the main usage of after effects which is motion graphics/design(!)
Scenario: 3D render + AE graphics
Say i'm using ACEScg and Display Color Space set to rec709.
The CG render looks right, but for native graphical elements, hex values are wrong, white is grey,
And the Info tab shows you info color in the native color space instead of the display color space. its confusing.
I have to disable 'Display Color Space' to none, create an adjustment layer with OCIO color space transform from ACEScg to Utility/Gamma 2.2 Rec 709, and when exporting set it to Preserve RGB instead of using the output color space i want it to be.
It would be more intuitive for motion designers if we had an 'ACES hybrid' system, where it transforms elements with an intrepreted source, but ignores native graphical elements. (Text, shapes, solids)
And exports would apply the 'Display Color Space' as the output.