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Dynamic Link between AE projects

Community Beginner ,
Nov 09, 2024 Nov 09, 2024

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This might be a long shot and I dont know if its technically possible to implement, but I think this would be a major improvement to after effects as a whole.


I think the easiest way to explain it is looking at the dynamic link feature between premiere and AE, but from AE projects to AE projects.

I would have plenty of usecases for this and I it would elevate professional workflows into new heights.

Just like having your own library of functions in coding, that you can link in multiple scripts, updating or adding new logic to the source function which automatically integrates in the scripts where its linked to. In this case the function would be an After effects project that you can reuse and implement in other projects and automatically updates in all linked projects if theres changes to the master project.

Reallife example: I have a beverage flatlabel that I wrap around a beverage can with UV Map. I use this Label in multiple projects, since theres plenty of different campaigns and animations where this can is animated differently and set into different scenes.

everytime anything on the master flatlabel changes, or we have to translate it into different languages for local campaigns, then I have to manually update and import the label project in ALL my different campaigns to update the Label there. If this Live Link would be a feature, then I could just do the changes in the master file and it automatically implements into all projects.


This could also be further expanded in a way like Mogrts, that you can even control certain properties when its imported/live linked from the master project, without manipulating the actual master project.


Obviously this would be a pretty major feature, but Im certain that this would have a huge impact on general user experience and complex professional workflows.

Idea No status




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New Here ,
Jan 21, 2024 Jan 21, 2024

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I am writing to express my interest and advocate for the implementation of a link-based workflow feature in After Effects. While I appreciate the current capabilities of working within a single AE file, I believe that incorporating a link-based approach would significantly enhance collaboration and streamline project management.


Current Challenge: At present, After Effects requires importing all elements into the project, resulting in a less flexible workflow, especially in team environments. Making subsequent changes involves a cumbersome process of reimporting entire folders and replacing content, particularly if extensive edits have been made to the main composition.


Proposed Solution: The introduction of a link-based workflow would offer a more dynamic and efficient solution. This feature would allow users to link compositions or projects within a main file, enabling simplified adjustments without the need for repeated imports. Clicking on a linked comp would open the corresponding After Effects file, facilitating a seamless editing experience.






Explorer ,
Feb 29, 2024 Feb 29, 2024

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I am certain I am not the first to suggest this, but I couldn't find any other requests so I am submitting this anew. 


Please add Dynamic Link between two AE project files or something equivalent.


If you have an AEP file that contains a bunch of motion graphics for a client, you can import that AEP into a new project file for that client and have access to the motion graphics. Awesome. But if anyone goes back and updates those graphics in the original AEP, those updates don't propagate, like they would via Dynamic Link to and from Premiere Pro.


My particular workflow would benefit greatly from the ability to Dynamically Link two AEP files the way I can link AE and Premiere Pro.




Participant ,
Aug 15, 2024 Aug 15, 2024

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How about importing a composition from an Ae file back into After Effects maybe by using dynamic link. The same as smart objects in Ps, or embedded files in Ai, or reference files in 3DsMax.
It will be helpfull in reusing assets and most importantly collaboration between team members working on the same project.
Suggestions for the naming "Smart Comp", "Reference Comp", or "Linked Comp".
Wouldn't it be a nice feature to add?




Community Expert ,
Nov 09, 2024 Nov 09, 2024

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I don't think Dynamic Link is the correct term for the feature request. "Link" may be more accurate. 


If you add an AEP file to your project, the entire project panel from that file is opened in a new folder, but it is no longer linked to the original. I would not know how a Premiere Pro/Dynamic Link setup would work because that workflow opens a copy of the AEP file and renders it in the background, which takes longer than rendering in the After Effects Render Queue. If my Dynamic Link created comps are complex I always render and replace in Premiere Pro to save time and increase stability.


Using Dynamic Link for Audition (AE or Premiere Pro) is only a one-way street that opens audio tracks in Audition and lets you edit them there, export the changes, and then use the new files.


If you want to save functions, animations, color settings, and even resize comps for social media, save your own animation presets. I have about 250 animation presets that I have created and saved. If you are into script writing, you can also save scripts. I have about 90 scripts that I use all the time. Most of them I purchased. Some of my Animation Presets and Scripts are client-specific, and I even occasionally license them to the clients for a fee. I also have created dozens of AE Templates and MOGTs for my productions and many of my clients.


The only way I can see dynamically connecting AEP project files would be to keep those AEP files live, the same way footage files stay live. Change the embedded AEP project file and save it. The changes appear the same way you edit footage (video, images, illustrations). It would only be helpful if you don't lose the ability to add an existing AEP or AET file to your current project and keep it unique. 




Community Expert ,
Jan 31, 2025 Jan 31, 2025

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"Linked" would be a good name for this.  Embedding is what effectively happens now where the imported project becomes a folder in the current project.






Participant ,
Feb 01, 2025 Feb 01, 2025

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You are absolutely right I meant linked so it would read and update the aep file from the storage. I will edit the post. Thank you.




Community Beginner ,
Feb 07, 2025 Feb 07, 2025

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This is my biggest wish as a feature!

In our team we have complex master projects that we keep on expanding and are kept up2date.

We import and use these projects for many of our campaigns and the more campaigns we have, the harder it is to keep the embedded project up2date everytime we update it.

This feature would  create so many possibilities for templates, modular workflows and automation.




Community Beginner ,
Feb 21, 2025 Feb 21, 2025

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I've gotta say that it's pretty ridiculous at this point that After Effects doesn't have a link or reference project feature.

If you're collaborating with several other artists at any given time, prerendering or important projects is such a stupid, early 2000's standard way of working, and I've used AE professionally since 2002.

3D apps can reference models, Photoshop can dynamically reference other psd files.



But no, After Effects can only import?

What year is this again?




Participant ,
Feb 23, 2025 Feb 23, 2025

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