...a light wrap is so easy and fast to make that it is max. a nice to have.
A modern and competitive GPU based 3D engine and 3D workflow. A more opened and intuitive color management were you can work with ACES (it's a CG standard since 4 years in the industry) without problems. A 3D Tracker with more manual and i/o export options. A intelligent particle system with physics (like trapcode particular) A multicore engine where you can use 32 instate of 1 core of your system.
That are those big things that can't be worked around so easy! And have to be fixed imminently. If not, after effects will be very soon only a tool for beginner and hobbyists. Motion Graphic Artists needs that things as well in 2019!
Light Wrap from Red Giant Key Correct is very nice but Maxon has discontinued it so it's not going to be updated for MFR or Apple M1 Silicon. Unfortunately the alternative Light Wrap Fantastic form Digital Anarchy doesn't work as well as the Key Correct one. Maybe Adobe can ask Maxon if they can have the Key Correct suite and incorporate it?
If you're missing Red Giant's Light Wrap tool, it's been updated and built into Supercomp (along with a lot of other useful compositing tools). It can wrap light from one layer onto all the layers at once without precomposing! That said, I think having an easy effect to wrap light from one layer onto another would still be quite useful. So, please, ping Maxon folks (as I have) to bring it (or an equivalent) back! And, obviously, we can hope for a native solution by voting on this (which I have also done).