Switch the internal color management for OCIO.
At the very least let us choose the CM engine.
The old one is fine, not sure why people ***** about it so much, they should learn to use it first I guess.
I find it more powerful than the one in Nuke. It worked for me just fine all these years, apart from the instances when all color profiles disappeared after an update 😉
That said, currently ACES workflow is impossible to achieve.
The ACES icc profiles provided are wrong, you can't get proper colors from ACES clips.
Maybe it's a limitation of the ICC format since there is a strong gamma transform in this workflow and I think this is where the Adobe ACES profiles fail.
We could pester you for better ACES profiles, but then we'd have to do that with every ACES revision.
So why not just implement OpenColorIO like everyone else.
I know we have the OCIO plugin but that is not the same.
When I work with AE color management, it works in the background, I hardly have to do anything, the ocio plugin workflow forces me to be carefull with every new layer I use, it's exhausting.
Please incorporate OpenColorIO into After Effects, same workflow, same UI as the current system, Just let us swith the engine from legacy to OCIO, and then we'll just be able to use OpenColorIO oficail color profiles - problem solved.