ALAC is a commonly used high quality audio format and I discovered recently via a support session that is is not/no longer supported in Audition. used to be the case that I could take an audio clip of, for example, 2,116 kbps, slice it up in Audition's multitrack editor and export it to the same quality. This is no longer the case. Now when I export a slice of 2,116 kbps ALAC-format audio to the same format (choosing options to export at the same quality as the source audio) I get a file that's 1,591 kbps. Clearly, that doesn't reflect the export options I've selected.
This is immensely annoying as ALAC is a format I work a lot with and I only started encountering this issue within the last few months.
Please fix it. There's no justification for not supporting mainstream audio formats.