Why is the Generative Fill button greyed out if I'm over 18?
If you find thatGenerative Fillis greyed out for you and you're over the age of 18, it is possible that you may not have a valid Date of Birthassociated with yourAdobe IDaccount. To update yourDate of Birth, you can do either of the following:
Sign out and sign back in to both the Creative Cloud Desktop app and the Photoshop (beta) app
Log into Behance with your Adobe ID and enter your Date of Birth.
If you sign in using social sign-in (Apple, Google, and Facebook), ensure that your date of birth in that account is set to public instead of private.
Once yourDate of Birthis up to date, relaunch the Photoshop (beta) app to enable Generative Fill.
Why is the Generative Fill button greyed out if I'm over 18?
If you find that Generative Fill is greyed out for you and you're over the age of 18, it is possible that you may not have a valid Date of Birth associated with your Adobe ID account. To update your Date of Birth, you can do either of the following:
Sign out and sign back in to both the Creative Cloud Desktop app and the Photoshop (beta) app
Log into Behance with your Adobe ID and enter your Date of Birth.
If you sign in using social sign-in (Apple, Google, and Facebook), ensure that your date of birth in that account is set to public instead of private.
Once your Date of Birth is up to date, relaunch the Photoshop (beta) app to enable Generative Fill.
Why is the Generative Fill button greyed out if I'm over 18?
If you find that Generative Fill is greyed out for you and you're over the age of 18, it is possible that you may not have a valid Date of Birth associated with your Adobe ID account. To update your Date of Birth, you can do either of the following:
Sign out and sign back in to both the Creative Cloud Desktop app and the Photoshop (beta) app
Log into Behance with your Adobe ID and enter your Date of Birth.
If you sign in using social sign-in (Apple, Google, and Facebook), ensure that your date of birth in that account is set to public instead of private.
Once your Date of Birth is up to date, relaunch the Photoshop (beta) app to enable Generative Fill.
When I go to do the generative fill it's saying "this feature can only by those 18 and older at this time. Your account shows that you're not yet 18." Any one know how to fix this? And also, I am definitely older than 18. Is there any place in accounts to upload your age? This is for desktop-mac0s.
I'm in the same boat, I'm 32 and happy to prove it however necessary, but, unless I'm missing something, there is no way of entering my DoB on my account. I've tried on multiple browsers (Chrome/Firefox/Edge) but I cannot find any option to enter my DoB. Nor can I find any way of talking to customer service on any browser.
As I say, I could be missing something, but I just want to prove that I'm of legal age and use the cool new AI features, but I can't find any way of doing that.
Has anyone gone through this? The new tool in photoshop beta doesn't work because it says I'm under 18 even though I'm not, and I can't see how to change my age in the account setup.
For anyone else who is seeing this issue, I've just been able to set my DoB through Behance.
From what I understand I should have been able to do it through the main Adobe website, but try as I might I couldn't find anything there.
But, when I logged into Behance (something I've never done before) I immediately got a screen asking me to set my DoB, then after I'd done that I could use the new features on Photoshop.
Not the most straightforward proces but it worked.
Why is the Generative Fill button greyed out if I'm over 18?
If you find that Generative Fill is greyed out for you and you're over the age of 18, it is possible that you may not have a valid Date of Birth associated with your Adobe ID account. To update your Date of Birth, you can do either of the following:
Sign out and sign back in to both the Creative Cloud Desktop app and the Photoshop (beta) app
Log into Behance with your Adobe ID and enter your Date of Birth.
If you sign in using social sign-in (Apple, Google, and Facebook), ensure that your date of birth in that account is set to public instead of private.
Once your Date of Birth is up to date, relaunch the Photoshop (beta) app to enable Generative Fill.
Why is the Generative Fill button greyed out if I'm over 18?
If you find that Generative Fill is greyed out for you and you're over the age of 18, it is possible that you may not have a valid Date of Birth associated with your Adobe ID account. To update your Date of Birth, you can do either of the following:
Sign out and sign back in to both the Creative Cloud Desktop app and the Photoshop (beta) app
Log into Behance with your Adobe ID and enter your Date of Birth.
If you sign in using social sign-in (Apple, Google, and Facebook), ensure that your date of birth in that account is set to public instead of private.
Once your Date of Birth is up to date, relaunch the Photoshop (beta) app to enable Generative Fill.
Why is the Generative Fill button greyed out if I'm over 18?
If you find that Generative Fill is greyed out for you and you're over the age of 18, it is possible that you may not have a valid Date of Birth associated with your Adobe ID account. To update your Date of Birth, you can do either of the following:
Sign out and sign back in to both the Creative Cloud Desktop app and the Photoshop (beta) app
Log into Behance with your Adobe ID and enter your Date of Birth.
If you sign in using social sign-in (Apple, Google, and Facebook), ensure that your date of birth in that account is set to public instead of private.
Once your Date of Birth is up to date, relaunch the Photoshop (beta) app to enable Generative Fill.
I did that for 3 days pulling my hair out, there's no way to get to it. Chat with online support, they were able to help reset it very quickly and it worked.
I keep getting an error saying I'm unable to use the new feature because I'm not over the age of 18. I'm 35 years old and have been using Photoshop for years! What on earth? How do I change this so I could use this awesome new AI feature everyone is talking about?
Hello community, I have a problem, I cannot use some photoshop functions because Adobe tells me that I am a minor, but I am really of legal age, how can I configure that? maybe I don't know where to configure it, thank you very much for your answers
If you find that Generative Fill is greyed out for you and you're over the age of 18, it is possible that you may not have a valid Date of Birth associated with your Adobe ID account. To update your Date of Birth, you can do either of the following:
-Sign out and sign back in to both the Creative Cloud Desktop app and the Photoshop (beta) app
-Log into Behance with your Adobe ID and enter your Date of Birth.
-If you sign in using social sign-in (Apple, Google, and Facebook), ensure that your date of birth in that account is set to public instead of private.
Once your Date of Birth is up to date, relaunch the Photoshop (beta) app to enable Generative Fill.