For some time now, the waveform redrawing had been buggy, but it seems to be getting worse.
Almost always, if I cut a section from a clip, the redraw of the waveform to the right fails. To get it back, I have to hope there's a z in the month or force a redraw by adjusting the depth of the track.
As I edit a lot to the waveform to identify gaps, I have also noticed that redraw is just failling on smaller clips to in that you can hear the audio, but the waveform shows only tiny peaks - UNTIL you zoom in stupidly and unnecessarily close when it decides to show the waveform correctly and you hope it keeps this as you zoom out again.
This is making Premiere Pro unusable and it's VERY frustrating that I am pay a lot of money each month for software that's become so full of faults at it's most basic level.