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We are investigating an issue with Premiere Pro/Adobe Media Encoder (v 14.0.1) where the export gets stuck at 0%. This issue seems to be related to markers. Here are the steps that can be followed to address this issue.
Note: This procedure is only applicable if you are using makers in the sequence.
The easy way:
Select all the markers from the timeline that you are trying to export and delete them ( Once the markers are deleted try to export (you may want to create a backup of the project with the markers before deleting them, just in case if you need those markers later).
If you wish to drill down to the specific issue:
Once you find a marker that has marker_guid listed in the Flash Cue Point section, delete that entry.
To do this enable the option for Flash Cue Point.
Select marker_guid and click the - (minus) button.
Hope this helps in solving the issue. Let us know if you have any questions.
Hi donika,
Yes, we are working on getting it sorted as soon as possible.
Thanks for your patience.
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This is still not FIXED with 14.1. STILL STUCK AT 0%!!!
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Hi, i'm having this issue on my client's mac. They're still on 13.1.5 both PP and AME.
Trying to Queue and Export Sequences with full length of AE DL Comp avg duration 2 minutes.
Some sequences have markers, some don't. But only Comment markers. Removing these markers are not solving issue.
AME Export never started.
macOS 10.14.6
PP & AME 13.1.5
H.264 Match Source 1080@25p
AME Settings:
Appreciate any feedbacks
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Hi there, I managed to solve the pb by… updating. So I think your client should update his Adobe softwares AND also his Mac to Catalina (10.15.5) which is the current issue of mac OS X. I couldn't find any other solutions, because Adobe knows the pb now (at last) and they have apparently solved it in the latest updates, which are, to my knoledge, in need of an updated mac environnement…
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Hi Matt, thanks for your reply. I will told my client to do so. I hope he has no issue upgrading to Catalina, since his mac got tons of on going projects on other VFX software and that vendor told him not to upgrade yet :))
anyways, thanks again. Glad it got fixed by the next update
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You're welcome, Catalina is 10.15.5 now so it would be OK I think, and he/she has to upgrade to the latest version of Premiere of course as well, I think they have eventually solved this issue by now.
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No markers, nevertheless no export ...
Aucune fenêtre de communication ne s'ouvre après avoir cliqué sur exporter->média....
J'adore vos mises à jour Adobe! Aucun avertissement préalable, des bugs partout... Super, la relation client! :ö(
Franchement peut mieux faire... Et oui, je râle car cela fait juste 1 jour de boulot de perdu et que je ne peux même pas donner une date au client pour la sortie de son média.
Car oui, moi j'essaye d'être proactive et de la garder ma relation client!!!
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You can set Creative Cloud Desktop to not update automatically: Settings > Apps > Auto-Update disabled.
What I am about to suggest is not ideal by any means, but could get you a deliverable for your client.
Superimpose an Adjustment Layer in your highest Video Track and extend it for the run time of your edit. Apply the Invert effect twice (Effects > Video Effects > Channel > Invert) to the Adjustment Layer (the point is to force a render for your entire Sequence with the picture looking the same it would without an Effect applied). Choose Sequence > Render In to Out. Wait for the Render. Copy the resulting Video Preview files to a new folder (leave the originals). In a Duplicate Sequence, delete the Video, but keep the Audio and then do an Audio Only export. Assemble the Video Preview files with the audio in a new Project.
It's insane, I know, but it should get you to something that you can give your client.
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Thanks a lot Warren. It's very helpful and ...insane!!! :))
You make my day.
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I have this problem with essential graphics on version 14.3. I can't render my projects neither on premiere or encoder.
I'm currently using V_14.0.3 because all the new version have the same problem even though Adobe keeps on telling everyone that the problem is solved in the newest.
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Reverting to media encoder 14 worked for me. I am some of the lucky people because the newest update does work for me finally.
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Reverting to version 14.0.0 on both Premiere and Encoder solved this same problem for me. I had the latest versions (as of July 28, 2020) and could not encode a simple 30 second video that had no effects, no markers, etc. In troubleshooting the problem, I observed that both new versions took forever to load on my computer - either one took up all available RAM (as identified by Task Manager) for many minutes before finally settling down. From there both versions were very unresponsive. With the 14.0.0 versions both programs took a normal amoiunt of time and RAM to load. I suspect the problem is not with the encoding or the linking but in the programs themselves. I'm sticking with 14.0.0 for now.
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I only just discovered this issue and I'm using version 15.2!
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I just discovered this export issue, and I'm using version 15.2!
Deleting all the markers doesn't help.
This must be a new and unrelated bug.
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I've deleted the markers altogether on my timeline and this did not solve my issue
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It's 2022 and I'm having the same problem. I have the latest update. So I guess this is not fixed?
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m1 chip macbook pro / laptop solution: Open media encoder, and go to settings or preferences and uncheck “import sequence natively”. Quit encoder and re open it. Now go back to premiere, hit export and press queue in encoder and it should work. sometimes it just sits there a painfully long time then it does its thing
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16/07/2023 ! Still an issue after the latest update - encoder stuck at remaining time 00:00:00:00 this was after removing my titles that seemed to caused an warning " adobe media encoder missing kaushan script regular font" and the file would export but never the full 1 hour file ! When Canon stopped listening we moved to Sony in droves! Well guess what time to look elsewehere for stable software as wasted days trying to fix this.
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Open media encoder, and go to settings or preferences and uncheck “import sequence natively”. Quit encoder and re open it. Now go back to premiere, hit export and press queue in encoder and it should work.