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Premiere Pro Community Digest — March 2023

Adobe Employee ,
Apr 13, 2023 Apr 13, 2023

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Adobe Premiere Pro Community Digest - March 2023


Welcome to the Premiere Pro Community Digest taking a look back at March 2023. Let's start with the community news, and then we can get down to our monthly features. I'll also tell you about some new things happening with Premiere Pro Beta and the latest version of Premiere Pro, 23.3!

Latest Adobe Premiere Pro Community News

Small SQ GIF_13.gifNews from the Premiere Pro community!

Great to see you again here on the Premiere Pro community digest. If you're new here, this is the monthly newsletter for the Premiere Pro community. Looking back, here are some of the events that happened in March 2023.

Premiere Pro Scores Big Wins at Academy Awards

Premiere Pro and other Adobe digital video tools played a huge role for Oscar winners the Acadaemy Awards.


Most notably was the feature film, "Everything Everywhere All at Once." which walked away with seven Oscars in total, including Best Picture and Best Director. Most significantly was Paul Rogers' win for Best Editing. Congratulations to the post-production workers and others who made it all happen. For details, see the following video.



Another film worth mentioning that used Premiere Pro as an editing platform was Daniel Roher's feature-length documentary, "Navalny," about the Russian opposition leader, Alexi Navalny and events leading up to his poisoning. The film won best documentary at the Academy Awards.



Other films that used Adobe tools include: nominees Black Panther: Wakanda Forever and Top Gun: Maverick. Congratulations to filmmakers using Adobe Premiere Pro and other Adobe tools for their Academy Award winning films.

Premiere Pro Team News and Blog Posts

Current Release: Adobe Premiere Pro 23.3

The latest release at press time was just announced! Check out Adobe Premeire Pro 23.3. Here is the documentation summarizing the features. There is a community post about it here, as well.


Highlighted features of version 23.3 include the following:


Please have a look and let the community know how you like the new features.


Premiere Pro Team Blogs

There were a good number of blog posts by Team Adobe that may be of interest to editors and filmmakers in the Premiere Pro community. Here are links to those blog posts.


Everything Everywhere All At Once

Screenshot 2023-04-04 at 11.21.21 AM.png


As was mentioned earlier in the digest, the film Everything Everywhere All At Once received seven Oscars at this year's Academy Awards. The team blog post includes more details about the movie with links to several videos. See the blog post here.


Related Adobe and Video and Audio Blog Posts include the following:

What's new in Premiere Pro Beta?

Small SQ GIF_08.gifPremiere Pro Beta

Check out the latest Beta to discover what's next for Premiere Pro. More info about the Beta program is here

Premiere Pro Beta has a lot of new features this month. Preview the details in these posts. 

View other recent discussions on the Premiere Beta forum. You can also stop by to upvote features or file bugs with a new feature in the Premiere Pro Beta forum.


Premiere Pro Beta documentation is here


Small SQ GIF_12.gifTop troubleshooting articles

Are there issues with any of your projects?


Currently, no known issues are listed as the release is brand new. Moving forward, check the list of known issues to see if the issue is known. The article will contain issues that address bugs or conflicts with your hardware, plug-ins, or other software and how you can take action to continue editing your projects.


Beginning with the 23.2 release, you can press any key on launch to perform key troubleshooting steps from the new Reset Options dialog box, like resetting preferences and removing media cache files.


Bug fixes in the release are listed here. Thanks to the team, who provided an extensive list of those issues that are fixed.

Adobe Community Experts Program

The community forums could not function if it weren't for our Adobe community experts. I wanted to thank them for contributing to the content and answering your questions about Adobe video and audio products. If you ever wanted to give kudos to an expert that helped you, feel free to click on their profile and let them know in a private message. They would really love hearing from you. If you are interested in learning more about the Adobe Community Experts program, please check out the link here.

Learn Something New

Small SQ GIF_09.gifRecommended how-to content

Here are some great "How To" technique threads, videos, and other tidbits you might find compelling. Please let me know if you have a handy tutorial or technique to share with the community.


3 Fast & Easy Effects in Premiere Pro!
Channel: Premiere Basics


Safe Mode Launch in Adobe Premiere Pro
Channel: Video Revealed


Use This Keyframe Handle Trick in Premiere Pro!
Channel: Premiere Gal


Basic Premiere Pro Editing Tips I Use
By Javier Mercedes



For reference: The Premiere Pro Best Practices Guide for TV and Episodic Post-Production can be downloaded here: https://adobe.ly/PremiereProGuide.







Handy Links

Small SQ GIF_11.gifNew 23.3 Features (in brief)

Complete documentation for Premiere Pro 23.3 complete set of features)

Fixed Issues
Known Issues

Past Community Digests

Small SQ GIF_14.gifPrevious Monthly Digests

Last month's digest: Premiere Pro Community Digest — February 2023.

See the Premiere Pro Community Digest Home Page to see digests from 2020 to 2022.



Thanks for reading the month's digest. We hope to see you again next month.


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Premiere Pro Community Digest — March 2023

Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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Community Expert ,
May 09, 2023 May 09, 2023

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Wow! Premiere Pro has been busy working in BIG projects! Congratulations! This issue is packed with a lot of information, tips, and demos! Thanks for sharing!




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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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