Dave Merchant
Dave Merchant
‎May 05, 2020
04:55 AM
Changing the "Application" and "PDF Producer" entries in the document properties is trivial, just open Acrobat's console and change the variables:
this.info.Producer = "Something better than Word"
this.info.Creator = "Definitely not Acrobat 1.0"
You can read and "write" the last-modified date via this.info.ModDate but it's pointless to do so, it is always overwritten with the system timestamp on save. The operating system provides that value, so of course if your system clock is wrong...
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‎Apr 14, 2020
06:10 AM
1 Upvote
Very difficult due to the removal of features in Acrobat and Reader, and the total lack of support for rich media PDFs on third party and mobile apps.
You can embed a rich media "video" and set it to open in a floating window, but you cannot control where it is on screen, it will always have a thick black border, and you can't get rid of the background.
You can still - just about - embed a rich media "SWF" object, which could be rendered on top of the page and without any enforced borders, but it would then scroll with the viewport. If you set it to float, you'll get those boarders back. It is theoretically possible for custom-coded video playback SWFs to load a .FLV file with an alpha channel - but Adobe killed off all the tools required to actually make them.
Adobe's development and feature policy is simple and has been set in stone for years. PDF is for "documents", and don't even think about making a document do anything jazzy and animated. HTML, ePUB or native mobile apps are for everything else. What you really want is a PDF equivalent of the HTML5 <video> object and dynamically-positioned page content, but that's not going to happen.
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‎Apr 03, 2020
02:15 AM
That context menu only appears if there are two GPUs connected to the same display channel - normally on a laptop where the graphics circuit inside an Intel CPU is used by default because it's low power, but the laptop manufacturer has also included a high-power graphics chip on the motherboard for situations where you need performance at the expense of shorter battery life. The same display is connected to both chips, so the operating system can choose which to turn on and off. On desktops with plug-in graphics cards that is not the case.
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‎Mar 29, 2020
03:16 PM
Not possible - security in the PDF specification is set per-document, not per-page or per-field.
Either split the PDF into separate documents, one for each group of people, or forget about PDF entirely and use web-based forms which can have whatever access controls you want.
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‎Mar 24, 2020
07:51 AM
1 Upvote
The "long string" is a UUID, which has so many possible combinations it is unfeasibly difficult for anyone to scan through them all to find everyone's documents. The UUID is the only "security" system for Publish Online - Adobe for some reason doesn't want to implement a login-to-view system like all the other providers do, so there cannot be options to make the URLs any more easily-guessable. If you were allowed to use "/view/secretfile1" then it's pretty much guaranteed someone else will try the same string, find it's already taken and immediately go read your document.
The simplest option to make things "easier" to type is to put the original URL through a shortener service such as bit.ly - their character sequences are of course much easier to scan through so there's a slight chance someone else could stumble upon it, but with millions of active sequences it's very unlikely anyone will try to visit every working link they find.
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‎Mar 13, 2020
02:59 AM
Wrong forum - ask here: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/
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‎Feb 26, 2020
08:48 AM
Documentation for anything rich-media or 3D in Acrobat has always been terrible; some things in the docs have never been implemented, some things in the code have never been documented. It was never much more than a proof of concept, and Adobe decided back in the Acrobat X cycle that the concept wasn't something they wanted to push forward. PDFs were just going to be boring documents, anything "interactive" was to be done in HTML or ePUB. Rich media and 3D made it into the Adobe extension to the ISO PDF spec so they couldn't just delete the code from Acrobat, but it got zero developer attention. They offloaded the 3D bits to Tetra, and left the Flash stuff to wither. It was never going to appear on mobile, none of the third-party PDF viewers could deal with it because they couldn't bundle the runtime, and these days the vast majority of people view PDFs on a phone or in a native browser window. It's not worth the effort to develop documents anymore, unless you're targeting a closed audience who can be forced to use Adobe Reader on a desktop computer.
The two embeddable SWFs "videoPlayer" and "audioPlayer" used by Acrobat and InDesign were pretty much out-of-the-box examples of the playback widget from Flash 8, hence the strange names of the function calls, and the Acrobat managers probably assumed people would go to the Flash Pro docs for help. Then Flash was 86ed and .. yeah.
The idea of video "cue points" in the Acrobat API is strictly a FLV idea, they are detected by the (closed source) FLV decoder in the Flash runtime and so the player gets to see them "for free". They are not the same as markers or XMP data in other video codecs, and since you can't make FLVs anymore that entire concept is dead on arrival.
As to keyframes, there are some third party apps that will analyze a video file and show the frame types (I and B) but by default an H.264 encoder creates them as it sees fit, based on how much a frame differs from the previous. That's why scene changes will create one. You can usually define the average interval between keyframes to aim for, and it's possible in some encoders to create H.264 files in "all-I" format where every frame is a keyframe, but at the cost of a much larger filesize.
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‎Feb 26, 2020
04:58 AM
As posted to your other thread, seek is only able to move the playhead to the nearest keyframe. How close that is to the time value you pass as a parameter depends entirely on how the video file is created. It is possible to create video files with keyframes at exact user-defined points, but it's not easy and if you plan to seek to "random" positions it won't help.
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‎Feb 26, 2020
04:55 AM
Multimedia_seek on video tells the embedded player to jump to the nearest keyframe for the specified time offset. How close it gets to the target depends on the keyframe intervals in your media files. As you've discovered the seek will always be consistent, but unless you craft a very carefully encoded media file with markers at the target points it will not be frame-accurate.
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‎Feb 20, 2020
01:21 PM
When transparency is flattened onto a background image, the PDFMaker engine tries to "optimize" the process by chopping the image into fragments, so that only those that have something layered above them need to be processed. It's possible to merge those fragments in Acrobat, using an obscure setting in the Optimizer tool. See
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‎Feb 16, 2020
08:51 AM
1 Upvote
Nothing has changed. Adobe hid the RSS content as much as they could because they don't want people using it. The cookie problem means that feed readers handle a user being logged in, and more importantly Adobe can't track you. Despite back-room conversations as to why it's useful, it's just been written off.
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‎Jan 24, 2020
02:11 AM
1 Upvote
The new AEM "community" is at https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com which is totally separate to this site.
The old forums.adobe.com server was shut down because the company they rent the software from has given up development. Only selected bits of content were moved across - the most recent topics and some "popular" stuff. All the rest were archived and are only visible to staff. If something important has been lost, contact the AEM staff directly and ask if it can be dragged out of the archive.
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‎Jan 23, 2020
03:36 PM
What's in the file and what error do you get? Acrobat is usually pretty robust in converting DWG sheets (provided of course there are 2D layouts in the document). It can read the latest header version - you can try with the official ACAD2020 samples.
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‎Jan 22, 2020
01:48 PM
1 Upvote
Acrobat can certainly convert DWG files into 2D PDF sheets without needing AutoCAD installed, but it's a well-hidden feature!
Either use File > Open and change the file type dropdown to "All Files (*.*)" so you can pick a DWG, or drag and drop the DWG directly onto Acrobat's workspace.
You will get a conversion dialog with various options, depending on what's in the DWG (multiple layouts, layers, etc.) but you won't see a preview, so you need to know beforehand what's in the file.
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‎Jan 22, 2020
06:09 AM
The "N-1" policy is new but strictly enforced. When Creative Cloud subscriptions first began one of the primary selling points was that you had access to every version of every app, and could choose if and when to upgrade or downgrade. Then the patent lawyers arrived, Adobe lost, and all the applications affected did indeed become "unauthorized". Your subscription may be valid, but Adobe is no longer allowed to distribute the old code. Simply using pre-2018 applications could in theory bring those lawyers to your door.
The old versions will never come back. See https://helpx.adobe.com/support/programs/support-periods.html
Adobe's native file types, with some very limited exceptions, have never been openable in earlier versions of the software - and often each program only allows down-saving by one or two increments. There are interchange formats for some types of file (e.g. EDLs for transferring edits in and out of Premiere) but After Effects is particularly nasty as nothing other than After Effects can open an AEP file, and After Effects will not save projects to anything else. Ultimately you and your clients must either use the latest versions, or switch to non-Adobe applications. There are plenty to choose from.
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‎Jan 16, 2020
07:47 AM
The AEM forum is on another site. Post here: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/
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‎Jan 15, 2020
02:37 AM
Licenses for all Adobe software are tied to an individual, not to a computer. You can reinstall and re-activate on different machines provided you keep within the limits on concurrent use.
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‎Jan 13, 2020
02:33 AM
There are no customer forums for Spark, only an FAQ page at https://adobespark.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/202688167-Adobe-Spark
For legal questions you must contact Adobe directly by chat or phone - but your question about restricting the share function (by IP subnet, password, etc.) has been asked before and it can't be done. Adobe assumes that everything published to Spark servers is intended for a global audience and it can be found by anyone who knows the URL (or guesses it).
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‎Jan 09, 2020
06:47 PM
Not any more! It's moved to the new platform at https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/
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‎Jan 09, 2020
06:45 PM
If you are trying to find font scraps in a document you have created, then go look in the software you used to write it. InDesign, Word, etc. all have search tools that filter for specific typefaces and styles.
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‎Jan 06, 2020
12:03 AM
Sounds like whatever you purchased was designed for an old version of After Effects, before many of the Quicktime codecs were dropped. The Keylight warning can probably be ignored unless it's obvious that something isn't looking right, but if you have source files that use legacy QT codecs there's nothing you can do about it; they will have to be converted before After Effects (or anything in CC) will read them.
See https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/multi/quicktime7-support-dropped.html
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‎Jan 05, 2020
11:59 PM
Preferences > Auto-Save > Custom Location.
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‎Jan 05, 2020
10:25 AM
Which Adobe application are you asking about?
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‎Dec 29, 2019
02:04 PM
If even the senior product manager can't get the programmers to implement it, "don't care" is the polite way to put it!
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‎Dec 29, 2019
01:58 PM
1 Upvote
[ moved to Photoshop forum ]
Looks like a resolution problem - the pixels in your black "zoomed in" image are larger than in the magenta one and a significant size compared to the circles you're looking for - plus there seems to be some anti-aliasing in the magenta version. It's hard to tell from your screenshots as this %^*$*^)$ forum doesn't show images full-size, but when you converted the magenta image from Bitmap to RGB, did you use a size ratio bigger than 1?
Remember the resolution stuff in the Bitmap conversion popup is quite confusing; the "output" resolution in the first popup causes a resize of the image, so all the halftone values in the second popup are based on that.
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‎Dec 29, 2019
09:41 AM
Lack of metadata preservation was reported when the whole "Export As" thing was still in beta - many years ago - and the programming team have completely ignored the problem ever since. Despite being the creator of XMP and a "leadership circle" member of the PLUS metadata coalition, Adobe simply don't care anymore.
If you want metadata stick with the "legacy" Save For Web tool and pray it doesn't vanish in the next update.
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‎Dec 26, 2019
07:48 AM
If you bought from Amazon then it's a prepaid "voucher" not a monthly payment; the voucher codes usually add 12 months of subscription fees to your account balance when you activate them, so Adobe may consider that you accepted the product when you entered the code. Amazon certainly do, and never give refunds. You'll have to talk direct to Adobe Customer Care by chat or phone, and see what they can do. Make sure to mention that the product name advertised on Amazon was ambiguous.
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‎Dec 24, 2019
04:20 AM
1 Upvote
Photoshop has a panel, but After Effects has a menu!
Edit > History
Just click the state you want to revert back to.
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‎Dec 20, 2019
11:30 AM
There is only one email address associated with an Adobe ID, and the same address cannot be used for more than one account - so if you change it then all Adobe's services will expect to see the new one. The update happens instantly, but if you are logged in to a third party website (which this is) via cookies then it may not update until you sign in and out. There are also long-standing problems with the forums not processing changes made via the Adobe ID settings page.
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‎Dec 18, 2019
10:06 AM
Assuming the image dimensions and position don't need tweaking, then you can simply replace the external file on disc and re-open the AEP file. After Effects doesn't care if the contents of a file are different when it opens a project, only the filename matters. You could also create a simple text file (included within the project as a data object) and have your scripted controller read it to get the color values.
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