Hi, We need more info. 😉 Tips for effective posting Title: Clearly describe the main problem in the title, but be brief. For example, "Photoshop Elements crashes on launch since updating to version 13" or "Output doesn’t look correct when sending PDF to Fiery RIP." (Titles such and “Help” or “Urgent” aren’t descriptive enough.) Message body: Include details, such as: Adobe software title and version (e.g., Premiere Pro CC 2014 v. 8.2) Operating system (e.g., Windows 8.1 or Mac OS 10.8.6) Relevant hardware (e.g., 4GB RAM or video card/driver version) Third-party software in use What you did, what steps you took, what happened at what moment, and what you did to try to resolve it Any screenshots that provide important information to the user who is helping you
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