I have tried several times and no luck.... it simply will not install. I am running a Cintiq Companion 2 with Windows 10. When I click on more info.... this is the error message I get. Exit Code: 184 -------------------------------------- Summary -------------------------------------- - 2 fatal error(s), 0 error(s), 1 warnings(s) FATAL: Error (Code = 184) executing in command 'MoveFileCommand' for package: 'AdobeInCopy12IconHandler64-mul', version: FATAL: Error occurred in install of package (Name: AdobeInCopy12IconHandler64-mul Version: Error code: '184' WARN: Unable to move file at "C:\adobeTemp\ETR635F.tmp\3\AdobeInDesign12IconHandler64-mul\AdobeCommon\Shell\CC.2017\idicon.dll" to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Shell\CC.2017\idicon.dll" Error 32 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.. Try setting correct permissions to the specified file/folder or parent folder, so that admin has rights to modify it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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