‎Dec 08, 2023
09:46 PM
1 Upvote
I've just had this problem with a newly installed Lightroom in Win11. I couldn't close the Welcome window because "Got it" was below the screen. I finally went to Start-Settings-Display- scale. I scaled down so apps were smaller. Then I did a Ctrl Alt Delete to close Lightroom (I couldn't close it normally because it wouldn't close with the Welcome window open). Then I reopened Lightroom and before it had time to pop up the welcome window I hit minimise, top right hand corner, so that the LR couldn't fill the screen. Hallelujah! I posted this here because someone else with the same problem might go searching like I did and end up here.
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Adobe Employee
in Lightroom Classic Discussions
‎Apr 13, 2023
09:39 AM
1 Upvote
‎Apr 13, 2023
09:39 AM
1 Upvote
You’ve posted to a very old thread. It is highly unlikely that the issue described in this thread, though not impossible, is the same issue which you are currently experiencing. Rather than resurrect an old thread that is seemingly similar, you are better posting to a new thread with fresh, complete information including system information, a complete description of the problem and step-by-step instructions for reproduction.
In the unlikely event the issue is the same, we will merge you back into the appropriate location.
Thank you!
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‎Dec 31, 2022
04:36 AM
As @KR Seals explained in his post, the "fix" is to adjust the Control Panel>Keyboard settings. Moving the Repeat Rate slider towards the "Slow" end of the scale should do the trick. But note that the rapid movement through the images when holding down the Forward or Back arrows isn't really changed (that's the way it's supposed to work), but what does change is that with the correct setting the movement through the images stops immediately when you lift your finger off the key, i.e. it doesn't carry on scrolling through the images even after the finger has been lifted.
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‎May 10, 2022
09:09 AM
1 Upvote
Absolutely agree! Is there a facile way to create an adjustment, and then either have it at the ready, at least for that particular scene in Camera Raw, or better yet, to name it, store it, and always havfe it available?
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‎Dec 07, 2021
10:43 AM
We're not Adobe here in the discussion part of this forum, we are other Lightroom Classic users, we didn't make the decision to change the interface, we can't make changes to the interface. You might want to tell this to Adobe by posting in the "Ideas" portion of the Adobe forums.
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‎May 10, 2022
09:09 AM
1 Upvote
Absolutely agree! Is there a facile way to create an adjustment, and then either have it at the ready, at least for that particular scene in Camera Raw, or better yet, to name it, store it, and always havfe it available?
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‎Aug 31, 2021
06:03 AM
Hi Rob, both source and destination are on the ssd harddrive and have read write permission. Photos are greyed out in import window and I am moving the files. thx Eric-Jan
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‎Jun 08, 2021
07:28 AM
Hi, you can update Photoshop to 22.4.2 as this update fixes it: https://feedback.photoshop.com/conversations/photoshop/photoshop-docking-icons-for-extension-panels-plugins-and-the-adobe-plugins-panel-missing-on-windows-10/609de215905ab2786c235049
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‎Apr 30, 2021
01:01 AM
Often, when people who complain about file size, on examination it's often discovered they are creating a much larger file that they need to. For example, posters that have to be read from a distance do not need 300PPI resolution, a much lower one will suffice, with a corresponding huge reduction in file size.
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‎Dec 23, 2020
04:20 AM
Any fix for this - I'm getting it today?!!!!
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‎Aug 25, 2020
05:09 PM
your Nik drivers are a plug in so Photoshop just points new installs to that old folder... yes you can remove them (plug ins will stop working) and yes Windows is bloated and will become unstable without 12 G of free space on your C drive
Windows likes 10% of the system drive to be free and will not run certain tools unless it has that space... other software like Nvidia or any 3D will also need lots of free system space to work so your best options now are;
replace the old 120G SSD with something bigger or
reinstall a fresh copy of Windows only loading software on the C drive that actually needs to be there... having Adobe software on a SDD is pointless mate but good luck
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‎Jul 06, 2019
06:48 PM
Are you connecting your card while still in your camera? I have read that that can confuse the Import process somewhat . . .
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‎Dec 29, 2018
05:13 PM
Yes to all that. As long as you're in the "Users" folder, and not in "Program Files", deleting will do no harm (but obviously, apply a bit of common sense as you go...) And I do agree that this stuff should be deleted with an uninstall, but it's not, so you have to do it yourself. WinDirStat will be a great help, get it.
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‎Aug 14, 2018
11:33 PM
Hi all Just a quick update having been in live chat the last few days trying to get this resolved. It would seem the issue is to do with my external hard drive causing this (but it never used to). I have now got a new external drive and will be using that to see if the issue repeats itself. Will update and let you know what happens when I use it.
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‎Jun 16, 2018
01:18 PM
1 Upvote
Interesting I must check whether its set up to sync or not. I find 7.3.1 a complete dog of a lightroom version. Very slow importing photographs and forever freezing up and having to shut it down. Maybe I have unreasonable expectations but I expect when I upgrade my lightroom to the newest version that it just works. I think its getting more and more bloated as a piece of software and I'm starting to question its value at all.
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‎May 20, 2018
02:59 PM
I sympathize with the failures. I agree there could be more informative feed-back. If you can export the book to a PDF, then could you investigate sending the PDF to Blurb (or another Book printer)? Or export you photos to a working folder and use Blurb's 'online' program (BookWright?) (or another Book printer) Re new photos for the Book- You do not need to make the Book Collection a 'Target Collection', not necessary!. You can mouse-drag any selected photos in the grid view onto ANY collection in the Collection Panel, and that includes a Book Collection.
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‎Aug 04, 2018
04:02 PM
Same issue time to WAKE UP Adobe! This is not freeware it is now crapware!!! You need to stop adding thing and focus on stability, Lightroom cc classic IS NO LONGER USABLE!!!
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‎May 10, 2018
07:04 AM
I find that I have a major issue with 7.3.1 and my dual display configuration. If I turn my secondary display on or off while Lightroom is open it invariably freezes up. If often see the "shadow" window during that time. I've never had this stability issue with Lightroom before the most recent builds.
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‎Apr 27, 2018
03:53 PM
The Adobe version is definately not as good as Canon's but can be adjusted manually closer to it. And YOU can make a default profile that is better than Adobe's, and better than Canon's.! Make YOUR profile to your liking and make it the default profile (or a Preset) that Lightroom uses for your photos. Lightroom Classic Desktop April Update – Raw & Creative Profiles, Preset Updates, and More! « Julieanne Kost's Blog
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‎May 09, 2018
11:47 AM
I take lots of photos and have relatively big image files. I don't have these problems. Lightroom works as expected. (By the way, lots of people upgrade their cameras to bigger photos, and they don't touch their computer hardware, and they wonder why Lightroom is getting slower ... it's not Lightroom, it's the hardware can't keep up with the bigger files)
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‎Apr 03, 2018
07:18 PM
1 Upvote
I'm having the same trouble. The other day it took over 4 hours to import 2 and half thousand photos. Today it took almost 3 hours to import just over 2000. I had to go onto my laptop to work so my desktop could just do that. Otherwise it slows everything down on my computer to a crawl. I can't do anything else on the computer while it is importing. It was never like this before. It is driving me nuts. I'm thinking of not using Lightroom anymore for this reason.
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‎Oct 28, 2017
09:10 AM
I had the same issue. Copying NIK from PS CC 2017 to PS CC 2018 Plugin folders didn't work for me. Saving work from Color Efx back to PS crashed PS CC 2018. I found the problem for me was launching Color Efx from the filter menu in PS. Launching Color Efx from the Nik selective tool worked and did not crash PS. I didn't need to uninstall / reinstall or delete plist. Worked on on IMac 27 5k and MacBook Pro Retina both on High Sierra Steps as follows: Copy Google plugins folder from PS 2017 to PS 2018 If NIK selective tool is not present File>Automate>Nik Selective Tool. Selective tool should appear Launch from Selective Tool Hope this helps
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