After Effects froze my whole computer tonight. I did a force restart and when I came back up, I was greeted with these 3 errors (see attached screenshots) and After Effects refused to open. Errors:
- After Effects can't continue: internal structure inconsistency (g) ( 25 :: 2 )
- After Effects error: globals unborn. ( 21 :: 3 )
- After Effects can't continue: unexpected failure during application startup
I uninstalled AE then reinstalled it. Errors persisted. I used CC cleaner. Errors persisted. I can't get back into normal AE 23.6. Please help!!!! Mac OS Sonoma 14.0, 64gb ram.
update 10/15/23 this is the 3rd time in a 1-2 week span that AE has crashed on me and now i cant get back in again becaus of global unborns. I cleared the contents of the preferences folder and the media core folder. Then tried to open AE. The 3 errors persisted and AE wouldn't open. So I went to adobe live chat. the minute they remoted in, I could open AE again. But the minute I ended the live remote, I couldnt get into AE and the 3 errors persisted again. It defied logic. Another operator remoted in and uninstalled creative cloud and reinstalled and the 3 errors still persisted (media core folder was empty). He couldnt figure it out and asked if a senior tech could call me back tomorrow. I said no, please we need to fix this tonight. He ended up going to the application on the desktop, right click on AE, "show package contents", go into Contents -> MacOs -> and within that folder is a 106kb file called "after Effects" and he opened it with terminal and then AE opened.
Title edited by Mod.
why did the mod change the title of my post? this has nothing to do with cant continue? this has to do with AE crashing and not reopening. Anyway: folks dont freak out, go to adobe live chat ( and ask them to remote in and fix it for you. you'll see them go to activity monitor in apple and force quit out of all the adobe activity. then they'll probably uninstall , and remove your preferences and remove your plugins from media core.