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Export Premiere sequence to After Effects doesn't work

Community Beginner ,
Feb 19, 2023 Feb 19, 2023

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Hello Nerds!

First time using Production with Premiere Pro brings tons of problems.

If I try to export a Pr sequence to Ae or replace clips with an Ae Comp, I alway get an error like "unknown internal Error". Some clips are then in AE but without content that can be displayed.Footage is empty.

Copy and past some clips will also cause errors like these "unknown error "5027 § 12" or "17 § 19"(see sreenshots)


Any ideas how to get it work again? Go back to simple Pr Projects?

Pr Version 23.1.0

Ae Version 23.2.0

macOS 11.7.4 (BigSur)

Thanks for your help

Bug Needs More Info
Dynamic link , Import and export






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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Mar 17, 2023 Mar 17, 2023

Hi @defaultsdmn7skwxnt7,

Thank you for reporting this issue and for your patience with our response. If you update Premiere to version 23.2, do you still see this issue occurring? If so, please collect an application log using the following steps and send it to me in a private message:

  1. In After Effects, go to Help > Enable Logging, then close After Effects when prompted.
  2. Re-open AE, then try to export a Premiere sequence to AE or replace a clip with an AE composition to trigger the errors.
  3. Go t
Status Needs More Info



1 Comment
Adobe Employee ,
Mar 17, 2023 Mar 17, 2023

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Hi @defaultsdmn7skwxnt7,

Thank you for reporting this issue and for your patience with our response. If you update Premiere to version 23.2, do you still see this issue occurring? If so, please collect an application log using the following steps and send it to me in a private message:

  1. In After Effects, go to Help > Enable Logging, then close After Effects when prompted.
  2. Re-open AE, then try to export a Premiere sequence to AE or replace a clip with an AE composition to trigger the errors.
  3. Go to Edit > Preferences > General > Reveal Preferences in Finder
  4. In the folder that is revealed, please share the "After Effects Log.txt" that should exist in the "logs" folder.


Thanks again for reporting this issue and for any further information you can provide, 

- John, After Effects Engineering Team 

Status Needs More Info




