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Glitchy pixels appearing on rendered video

Community Beginner ,
Feb 09, 2023 Feb 09, 2023

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When rendering out videos, with many layers, png sequences and imported photos/videos as a .mov with alpha channel, flickering lines of pixels would appear and disappear throughout the final output.



I am using an older version of After Effects: 17.1.0,  on a Mac (High Sierra, 10.13.6).

It seemed to be inconsistent when these glitches would appear. I rendered out several of these sequences with no issue, until a certain moment when it was appearing on every subsequent render.


The solution seemed to be to clear my cache before peforming each render.


I used Edit > Purge > All Memory and Disc Cache.


A couple times this didn't work, but restarting my computer, clearing the cache again, then rendering seemed to solve it.


Hope this can help someone else in the future!

Bug Unresolved
Compositing and VFX , Import and export




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