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library 2019 Bugs & improvements AE

Sep 28, 2022 Sep 28, 2022

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When u use color picker to get colors from the adobe library it used to just get the correct color, but now in 2019 it wont.
For some reason the colors are all under saturated.

Maybe update it that you can click on the color like in photoshop or illustrator that it will apply it to the selected layer as a fill or shape layer color.

Also when your mouse hover above the Libraries tap anywhere (search, my library, view by group, enz.) you cant scroll up or down in the list of tabs. But for instance if you scroll while hovering above anywhere in the Effects & presets then the rest of the list scrolls with.

And there is no way to add colors from after effects tot he library or shaps, it would be awesome if i can just drag and drop a shape layer in it with the keys and expressions in tact.

Also when i click on a group tabs name i expect that group to open or close, but it doesnt. instead i need to click on the tiny arrow in on the side, that doesnt have a bigger hit box then the actual shape.

Also maybe give library groups background colors, so that you can easily see what group your in, for instance i could use red as outdated icons or colors. while the green ones are the new ones.

And it be nice to scroll out/zoom out, so that you can view more objects at the same time.
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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Oct 17, 2022 Oct 17, 2022

Thanks for making this report. We are aware of the color shift when sampling colors from the Libraries panel; we would like to fix this and improve the color-picking experience with Libraries in a future version of After Effects.


The issue with scrolling appears to have been fixed in the latest version of the Libraries panel.


Thanks as well for the rest of these suggestions. In the future, please make sure to break these up into separate posts. Some of these are bugs and some are feature req

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1 Comment
Adobe Employee ,
Oct 17, 2022 Oct 17, 2022

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Thanks for making this report. We are aware of the color shift when sampling colors from the Libraries panel; we would like to fix this and improve the color-picking experience with Libraries in a future version of After Effects.


The issue with scrolling appears to have been fixed in the latest version of the Libraries panel.


Thanks as well for the rest of these suggestions. In the future, please make sure to break these up into separate posts. Some of these are bugs and some are feature requests, and we'd like to be able to keep them separate in order to keep conversations focused and track support via upvotes.


Thanks again,

- John, After Effects Engineering Team 

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