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Output modules need separate defaults for OCIO / ACES

Explorer ,
Mar 27, 2023 Mar 27, 2023

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I will report this as a bug although I won't argue if it's moved to idea or discussion.


When setting up output module templates, the user can manually choose a colorspace for that template.  This is very useful. For example, I don't just have one preset for Prores4444. I have a template for rec709, another for Arri LogC, and another for PreserveRGB and so on.

This is a great workflow feature, but the problem is that the color settings in the template will only apply to the color engine they were made with.

If I create an output module template for rec709 with the Adobe ICC color engine selected, then choosing that template when the OCIO engine is enabled results in the output color defaulting back to the project working space.

The same happens in reverse - if I create an output module template with the color set to ACES-rec709, then choosing that template when the ICC engine is enabled also changes the output color back to the project working space.

So really, the output module templates need to be split up for each color engine.  We should have separate templates for the ICC engine and the OCIO engine.

I'm glad I discovered this because I have been taking it for granted that my output module templates work properly, and this could have caused a lot of headaches!

Bug Acknowledged
Import and export , Workflow






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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 27, 2023 Mar 27, 2023

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Thanks for starting this discussion, @Chris Zwar. I'm not sure whether the separate OM templates need to be split for each color engine, but I do know we've had a bug reported where OMs are not remembering the set working space when OCIO is in use: https://community.adobe.com/t5/after-effects-bugs/output-module-templates-can-t-remember-output-colo.... This bug is likely skewing the intended UX and may or may not have barring on any opinions formed on the current workflow.


- John, After Effects Engineering Team 

Status Acknowledged





Explorer ,
Mar 27, 2023 Mar 27, 2023

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Thanks, it's good to know that there is an existing bug that can be replicated.

However it does raise the question of whether it is possible to create a single output module template that will work with both color engines.  My assumption is no, but I would be happy to be proven wrong. In some cases a colorsapce is supported by one engine but not the other (eg RedWideGamutRGB is OCIO only). In other cases like rec 709, the colorspace is supported by both engines but presumably any conversions are different.
So apart from the bug, I am making the assumption that output module templates that specify a colorspace will need to be unique for each color engine.  And because this has the potential for a cluttered UI, it might make sense to separate them.




