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Performance for Automation

Community Beginner ,
Sep 28, 2022 Sep 28, 2022

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Please fix performance for Automations with .csv datasheets.
It's horrible that you need to save/load for minutes to use it.
Bug Investigating




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 28, 2022 Sep 28, 2022

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So I've already stated my issue here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/after-effects/can-t-add-csv-file-to-timeline/m-p/11646349?page=1#M156...

Short summary:

I can't add CSV files of a certain size to my timeline.
I've tried CSV(3.6mb), TSV(3.6mb), Json (20mb, converted from csv), Json with arrays (5mb), and the CSV file split up in several small files with about 240kb (see Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGy52imsbIg ).

The results are always basically infinite loading times without any result. I've let that process run for me 3.6MB CSV file for 2 hours and ended up with a memory consumption of 13gb but still no result.

The files syntax is correct since i can already use that file without adding it to my timeline. but adding that file to the timeline is essential for exporting it with media encoder.




Adobe Employee ,
Sep 28, 2022 Sep 28, 2022

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Hi Adrian,

Thank you for reporting this slowdown. This is a known issue with .csv or other data footage within project files, specifically when added to a Composition as a layer as required to track the data footage as a dependency for rendering in Media Encoder or in Motion Graphics Templates. The team is aware of the issue and is considering possible solutions.

In the meantime, a workaround is to place your .csv into a single Composition ( we'll call this the "Data Comp" ) and place that comp as a layer of the rendering Compositions to track the data footage use. To reference the data, either pick whip to it directly in the Project panel or pick whip to specific data items within Data Comp. While not as easy as adding the data footage directly as a layer, this should greatly improve your saving/loading times when working with data sources.

Let me know if that all makes sense, happy to describe or demonstrate in more detail.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team




Explorer ,
Jan 13, 2025 Jan 13, 2025

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I've a project that needs localising in several languages. I have managed to rig up the essential properties of various texts across 3 videos, each with 4 formats, in a single aep. The AEP is now over 100MB and these are fairly simple animations.


Autosaves/saves take about 30seconds, and every action I perform, toggling a layer visibility, renaming an essential graphics property, entering/leaving an expression now has a lag of about 2seconds before it happens. 


The properties panel slows things down a lot so I've disabled the Auto-Open panel option for that. It feels like Ae is doing some run-through of all things everytime I perform an action, causing major delays.


When rendering, it's just as fast as usual, 30s render comps export in about 13s.


I wonder if the Essential Graphics panel and the media replacement properties are a factor as it takes a little while for the thumbnails of those properties to refresh. But I think the main factor is the csv linked into Essential Graphics properties all over the place. The codes are simple, no crazy math. Just indexOf() and split(), occasional if statements.


Things feel faster in the beta compared to the official release but it's still slow as hell. 




Explorer ,
Jan 13, 2025 Jan 13, 2025

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Ok while Ae team figures this out. I've made a little script using AI to find and replace in expressions, so I can update ALL properties across selected comps with the updated csv path in another comp.

So I look for:



and I replace with:



(function() {
    var proj = app.project;
    var selectedItems = proj.selection;
    var comps = [];

    // Filter out non-composition items from selection
    for (var i = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++) {
        if (selectedItems[i] instanceof CompItem) {

    // If no comps are selected, use the active composition
    if (comps.length === 0) {
        var activeComp = app.project.activeItem;
        if (activeComp && activeComp instanceof CompItem) {
        } else {
            alert("No composition selected and no active composition. Please select a composition or make one active.");

    var instructionText = "Current scope: " + (comps.length > 1 ? comps.length + " selected compositions" : "Active composition") + "\n" +
                          "Tip: To run this script on multiple compositions, select them in the project panel before running the script.\n";

    var findText = prompt(instructionText + "Find:", "");
    if (findText === null) return;

    var replaceText = prompt("Replace With:", "");
    if (replaceText === null) return;

    app.beginUndoGroup("Find and Replace in Compositions");

    var totalReplacements = 0;

    for (var i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) {


    alert("Replaced " + totalReplacements + " occurrences in " + comps.length + " composition(s).");

    function searchAndReplace(comp) {
        for (var j = 1; j <= comp.numLayers; j++) {
            var layer = comp.layer(j);

    function searchAndReplaceInLayer(layer) {
        for (var j = 1; j <= layer.numProperties; j++) {
            var prop = layer.property(j);
            if (prop.propertyType === PropertyType.PROPERTY) {
                if (prop.expressionEnabled) {
                    var oldExpression = prop.expression;
                    var newExpression = oldExpression.split(findText).join(replaceText);
                    if (newExpression !== oldExpression) {
                        prop.expression = newExpression;
                        totalReplacements += (oldExpression.split(findText).length - 1);
            } else if (prop.propertyType === PropertyType.INDEXED_GROUP || prop.propertyType === PropertyType.NAMED_GROUP) {

The script searches all expressions and replaces it for me and it's much quicker. Everyone here who has to use this workaround could benefit from this. Love to you all, the Ae team deserves more devs! Adobe wake up!



