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"could not rename the file" prefs-indep-output.txt

New Here ,
Nov 01, 2022 Nov 01, 2022

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Advanced user who needs to tweak render presets per project reports a persistent (22.3 through 23.0) but intermittent (random intervals) error "After Effects warning:  Could not rename the file xxxx to xxxx."  The folder is in the AppData\Roaming tree, redirected by Group Policy on our Windows domain.


I can recreate a similar problem by rapidly scripting file creation, renaming, deletion loops with no delay in the same folder.  Running such loops for about 2hrs this morning, I generated a small number of "Cannot create" responses to the Powershell Rename-Item command.


My end user just wants the software not to dump his presets.  It appears that the result of this failed copy is loss of both the temporary file ('...output.nnnn.nnnn.txt') and the default settings file ('...output.txt'), with a stock edition replacing them.  End user says, "If there were just a 'Retry' button on the dialogue..."


It seems the code here does not do a safe rename operation.  Aside from checking the code on your end, is there anything I can do on mine to improve this situation?







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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Nov 29, 2022 Nov 29, 2022

Hi @Matthew21761944pjqe,

Thanks for reporting this issue. Would you be able to provide steps for how the end-user is trying to back up their output presets? And in what scenarios do they find their presets being dumped?


We usually don't recommend that the .txt preferences be edited by hand, especially while the application is running. There are native options for saving and loading output presets that would likely be more reliable.


Thanks for reporting this issue and for any further informat

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1 Comment
Adobe Employee ,
Nov 29, 2022 Nov 29, 2022

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Hi @Matthew21761944pjqe,

Thanks for reporting this issue. Would you be able to provide steps for how the end-user is trying to back up their output presets? And in what scenarios do they find their presets being dumped?


We usually don't recommend that the .txt preferences be edited by hand, especially while the application is running. There are native options for saving and loading output presets that would likely be more reliable.


Thanks for reporting this issue and for any further information you can provide, 

- John, After Effects Engineering Team 

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