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When trying to "replace with After Effects composition" I get the error message above. I have seen many others with the same issue and logged out and rebooted as suggested and it still doesn't work. I am using version 17.0.1 of After Effects and 14.0 of Premiere Pro. What do I need to do to get this functionality to work? Seems it's going on for years...?
1 Correct answer
I found a solution that worked for me on a Mac and I assume a similar solution would work on Windows. It was an issue with permissions. I went to my security & privacy settings and allowed the adobe products (Premiere, Audition, After Effects and Creative Cloud) full disc access and make sure they had any other requested permissions. After that, I closed out of each program and when I reopened it things started working on Windows, I would try running each as an administrator. Hope this helps!
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Would you update your Creative Cloud desktop tool if the updater is available?
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Hi @lesliek1,
Thanks for reaching out. I see that you are trying to send a clip from Premiere Pro to After Effects but it's not working as expected.
Are you on macOS or Windows? Please share the OS version. Try importing the Premiere Pro file in Afte Effects by navigating to File > Import > Import Adobe Premiere Pro Project and check if it's working. Also, try updating the Creative Cloud desktop app as suggested by @ToolfarmJP.
let us know how it goes.
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I am using Windows 10.0.18363 and version Creative Cloud App which seems to be the most up to date version. I tried importing a Premiere Project file into AE and it did not work. The dialogue box pops up and says "connecting to dynamic link server", but it just hangs.
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Update, it DOES work to import a Premiere Pro Project file into A!. At first I was trying to import a file only, but when importing a Premiere Pro Project, it works. My apologies. Still can't getting "AE must be installed" error message when trying to Replace with AE Composition
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Thanks for trying that @lesliek1. A patch update has been released for After Effects (17.0.2) and Premiere Pro (14.0.1). Could you try installing those updates and check if it brings any change.
Looking forward to your response.
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I updated both products but still "replace with AE composition" does not work. 😞
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I am now trying to "browse presets" within AE and getting the error message "Adobe Bridge is not installed"...but it is!
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The Dynamic Link capability is not working and I haven't receievd a response in five days?
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I believe for dunamic link to work you need to be using the "same" iterations of the software. Like if you're using AE 2019 then to have dynamic linking the other app has to be 2019 as well.
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I have the latest versions of both apps
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I'm having the same problem.... Is there any other troubleshooting we could do ?
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I've had this problem for almost 4 months now and newer version or creative cloud, along with premiere and after effects havent fixed the problem. in the past, this problem fixed itself with a new update. sadly i've had to use my laptop instead of my desktop for most of my editing since i cant replace a clip with an after effects composition. someone please help us.
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I have the same problem 😞
Everything is updated to latest release version, I try launch both (Pr and Ae) as administrator or without it, but without success.
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Ok...I have been having this issue since Jan 2020, I have tried everything. I have also tried to post in this community but it kept bugging out. I have worked around these issues(importing/exporting separtate clips) but this simply isn't what I'm paying £50 a month for. Please can something be done about this, it's hard enough starting a production company let alone having your main editing pipline be this disrupted.
My Pc specs:
-AMD Ryzen 9 3950x
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Hi – I'm having this problem now. Premiere 2023, After Effects 2023, both the most current updates. Can't dynamic link from Premiere because allegedly After Effects 2023 isn't installed (meanwhile it's literally open at that exact moment. Nothing I do gets that error to stop getting served to me. Unfortunately, I don't have any convenient workarounds, I need the dynamic link.
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I am running into the same issue with a file a client needs from a couple years ago.
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Hi Shiftdnb,
I posted a solution that worked for me...I'll paste it here
- uninstall Ae and remove all preferences
- install again Ae
- open all Ae files (an alarm will pop up asking to update to the latest version), update the version, and over-write (save with the exact same name by deleting the [converted] part that gets added by Ae by default)
- once all files are up to date, open the Pr file, and all Ae in the timeline will play...
Hope this helps
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Hi sergio, i don't know if you'll see this or not, but im currently facing an extremely frustrating problem with which i thought was just on after effects, but it's actually happening on all of my adobe apps (but i mainly only use AE anyway) Whenever i try and import files into AE, i get the following error- "Adobe After Effects Warning- Classfactory cannot supply requested class" and when i try to browse effects on AE- "After Effects Warning: Adobe bridge is not installed"
Its super super frustrating, have you ever faced these problems before? Because i haven't ever seen a solution to this problem on yt or on google and i tried uninstalling and reinstalling ae, nothing's worked
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Hey @Jordan.jpg
I'm so sorry for the late reply and that you are facing this problem.
Let me start with, "This is a tricky one." I'll do my best to help and be as clear as possible, but the solutions are not at all easy.
Your problem can be (as far as I know):
1) Conflict within the file. I don't know how complex your files are, but one thing that has happened to me in the past is that extremely complex animations get corrupted and don't work...I don't have an answer to why, but I do have a solution. Open the files on other computers. I wish I could tell you that it's about your presets or something on your machine, but I can't...what I did was open it on a series of my colleague's machines, and in the end, we got it back.
After that save the file multiple times and deleting one element each time you save...this will help you open it on your machine and you should be able to know what is bothering your computer.
I think it can be related to the drivers of the machine when calculating biggggggger files...but please take this as a grain of salt.
2) Conflict with hardware or version of your AE when importing certain files (even simple.jpg) it creates the error...this glitch I had to create the most convoluted workflow...opening the project on a separate computer and then working on my main computer...nightmare, but in the end it worked.
If you don't have sensitive content, you can connect with me and send me an empty AE file and the file that is giving you problems to rule out any computer problem and try to find a solution within the software.
Hope this helps
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Hey @Sergio-CS , please don't apologise for the late response because i too am responding kinda late due to the fact that i only received a notification that you replied to me now...sorry about this. But with regard to what you mentioned about the version of ae that im using that might be one of the causes... unfortunately, thats not it because I've tried using older versions and even installed the latest 2023 version two nights ago and the errors were still occuring within after effects. So i too am assuming the problem must be lying in between my folders or hardware or something...idk. And yes please, if i could contact you to show you exactly what im talking about i would greatly appreciate it. Would you prefer me to share you screenshots from my pc of whats the problem via email/whatsapp or whatever app you normally use? Because i would really appreciate it. Once again, sorry for only seeing your response now
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Hey @Jordan.jpg
All good. If you can, share it here in this forum. This is the best approach because I'm sure that if we solve this problem, we can help other users that are going crazy like us on a daily basis LOL.
If you have files that you can share publicly, I have about 16 different computers that I can test it on simultaneously.
If the file comes back to life, I'll save it multiple times (each one with one layer missing), and send them back to you.
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Yes of course man i understand, sharing it here is perfectly fine. I just need help from one thing first. Which type of files do you think should be shared? I would think that you'd want the files that are probably causing the issue but i truly don't have a damn clue about which files it could be 😅. Could you maybe tell me one exact file you'd like to check first and then ill share it?
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First, if you can please upload the error that you are experiencing.
After that, we can start with the AE file (no linked files), and see what happens when I try to open it.
After that we keep fingers crossed.
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Okay so I've attached three screenshots from my pc that were taken right now for the problems that im currently experiencing on both after effects as well as premiere pro. The premiere pro problem is worded differently from the after effects issue but its the exact same. Its due to the fact that i cant import in premiere pro