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After Effects CC really slow in response

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Jul 11, 2013 Jul 11, 2013

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Hallo and sorry for may bad english!

So,my nightmares with CC continues!

I have serious lag when i do almost everything in AE. Press CTRL+Z i have to wait,press CTRL+A...wait...press P...wait....press the spacebar for move the preview window...wait for the hand...so the problem i think is clear (by the way,camera tools are really really slow!)!

My system specs: GTX680 4GB (latest drivers),Intel DX58SO mobo,12GB of ram DDR3 triple channel (fast enough),I7 980x.

With the same setup in CS6 all works smooth. Fresh install of CC,i have only Encore CS6 on my machine. All is up to date. Win 7 Professional SP1.

Multiprocessing is turned off,GPU acceleration on (i use 3000MB texture memory). I have read of many people that have the same problem on the net. I'm opening new projects,not from CS6.so that is not the problem. No internet connection,no antivirus scanning.

What may cause this problems? I'm on the way to remove AE CC and go back to AECS6 to work smoothly.

Thank you and hope to find a solution really soon,

bests from Italy,





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Oct 31, 2013 Oct 31, 2013

Today, we released the After Effects CC (12.1) update, which fixes this slowness when using menus and keyboard shortcuts on some machines.

Try the update and let us know how it works for you.


Participant ,
Jul 15, 2013 Jul 15, 2013

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Hallo again! Is there any news about the issue that i'm experiencing? I've read a lot of threads on the net of people that have the same problem (i have posted my experience there too).

I have installed AE CS6 and i'm working with it,but i really want to understand if Adobe's team is working on this or not. I use AE in 90% of my works.

Thank you again,





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Engaged ,
Jul 15, 2013 Jul 15, 2013

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Are you working with a specific format in After Effects?  What are your sequence settings?  Are you using ray-traced 3D?




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Jul 15, 2013 Jul 15, 2013

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Hi Josh and thank you for the reply! The problem is in every kind of composition,with or without multiprocessing,with or without GPU acceleration,with or without ray-trace and so on.

Many people on Windows machines are experiencing the same problem. On AE CS6 all is working very good,so i can't use AE CC. Is the only app that gives me this problem. I'm writing in another thread on this same issue but i think that a new thread will be better...

Here is the thread: http://forums.adobe.com/message/5500732

It seems that this is a problem on some Windows systems. On Mac all is working fine...




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Jul 15, 2013 Jul 15, 2013

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We're still working on it. We've discovered what's causing the problem and are now working on how to best fix it.




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Jul 15, 2013 Jul 15, 2013

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Thank you again Todd!





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Jul 15, 2013 Jul 15, 2013

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Here's what we know about the issue with slowness when clicking to open a menu or when using a keyboard shortcut. (We're still digging, though, so it may turn out that some of this is incomplete or incorrect.)

Because of a change for After Effects CC (12.0) that shows the activated user in the menus, After Effects is checking a file on disk each time that menus are accessed. Because of the way that we implement keyboard shortcuts, this also means that the file is checked each time a keyboard shortcut is used.

On computers where disk access is slow (e.g., because the disk is slow, the bus is slow, or something else is reading from the disk at the same time), this simple check of a file can add a noticeable amount of time---maybe half a second or even a couple of seconds in some cases.

We are in the process of fixing this. It is my hope (but not a promise) that we'll be able to have a good fix in place for the next update, which we're targeting for September.

In the meantime, here's how you should be able to mitigate the problem:

Make sure that your software is installed on the fastest disk that you have, preferably an SSD. If you don't have an SSD, then at least make sure that your software (applications and OS) are not stored on the same drive from which you're reading footage or to which you're writing output files. And certainly don't run applications with high disk access (like WinZip or anti-virus software that intervenes at every disk access, just for a couple of examples) while you are working with After Effects. (BTW, this is all good advice for high performance even without this bug.)

If you make these changes and notice an improvement, let us know. Actually, let us know either way so that we can collect more information.

So, how did this get past us? I think that it's because we tend to test on computers that are set up as I describe above, including tending to use SSDs and having our disk access spread across multiple disks. That said, we do apologize for letting this get out and inconvenience you.




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Engaged ,
Jul 15, 2013 Jul 15, 2013

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I've not run into the problem myself.  But my system drive is a SATA3 SSD with 500+MBps reads & writes.

For those that do have the problem....it sounds like it's pretty much unusable.  And not having a fix until September?!?




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Participant ,
Jul 15, 2013 Jul 15, 2013

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Thank you Todd for your detailed informations...but...i've tried all you mentioned in your post and unfortunately nothing changes. 4.00AM here in Italy and i'm finishing a work started on AE CC,my bad!

No antivirus,no footage in the same drive,but the problem is that lags are present even if i create a simple solid layer. I have no time to format my pc,buy a new SSD drive,reinstall everything,plug-ins etc,so i will stay with CS6,i have a lot of work to do...but...i understand that mistakes could happen and that CC is fresh and we are doing test on it, but (a lot of "but"!) i've jumped in CC to use the Cineware feature and now i can't use it. September is really too late to fix this problem...this is not a controversy and as i said i understand that this could happen,but the update must be released soon. The point is the subscription. I use Photoshop,Premiere,Illustrator and AE...and Cinema 4D no other sw. My work is basically based on Premiere and AE. I use dynamic link all the time. Now i'm deprived of one sw...this is more than an issue for me,because i can't use a lot of features and my workflow is damaged by this situation. AE CS6 is a placebo that can be used for one week or two,but not for two months...probably,because we not have a release date for the update.

So i think that this fix must be done before the update of September,just to make users happy and continue to work properly.

Or maybe we can have a discount on the subscription!

Jokes apart,we need it soon...maybe i've just say this!




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Jul 16, 2013 Jul 16, 2013

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We are working on this now, and September is the earliest that we feel confident saying that we will be able to address this. Between a full investigation, fixing, testing, and distributing, these things take a while.

What I presume that you do not want (and we certainly do not want) is for us to rush this and end up making matters worse, breaking something else, or failing to fully address the problem.




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Sep 05, 2013 Sep 05, 2013

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I taught a class using After Effects CC today in a lab with new i7's 16GB RAM, Win 7, applications on a 7,200 rpm HDD.

All students experienced a lag of 10-20 seconds when selecting menus, or using *some* keyboard shortcuts. J and K worked fine for keyframe navigation, almost nothing else did.

Its September, is the update coming soon??




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Sep 06, 2013 Sep 06, 2013

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I was hoping that it will be released on the 1st of September!

We are still waiting...even with my new system configuration (fresh system installation),an SSD for the system (Intel dcs-3500),another SSD for AE cache (dcs-3500 too) and new 12GB of ram (24GB) AE CC is still unusable...

Three months of subscription are gone...maybe we need a reply with a real release date...just to be clear...

Todd,you know that is not a controversy against you! You're the only voice from Adobe that is speak to us,and i really appreciate this.

The fact is that now time to understand and resolve the issue is gone,and i need to work smoothly with Dynamic Link and AE CC. I can't render everytime from Premiere and open files in AE CC. This is a time consuming process that is not worth the money i'm investing in this new CC. I have to do night work to get in time with deadlines and is not a professional way to go!

This is a not new discourse,we have been patience and collaborative,but now is time for Adobe to resolve this problem.

I know that we are a small part of users,but we have the same rights of other users.




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Sep 06, 2013 Sep 06, 2013

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We're working on it.

It's looking like the update that contains a fix for this will likely be available in mid-October. My estimate of September before was a bit optimistic.




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Sep 06, 2013 Sep 06, 2013

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OMG..."probably" mid October...that's really bad for Adobe...no refund for users in troubles?




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Sep 06, 2013 Sep 06, 2013

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Thanks Todd. I hope it arrives sooner than later.

This morning I had the students reset all preferences to default which improved performance initially.

As the class progressed, After Effects became less and less responsive. After 3 hours it was slow and painful again.




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New Here ,
Sep 13, 2013 Sep 13, 2013

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I am using an OCZ Vertex 3 SSD and the program grinds to a halt when I ctrl+z or click on any menu in the top of the program, among many other things.

AE will hang, go grey (not responding) and a number of seconds later, kick back into gear. When I go to do something else, it does it again, rendering the program useless.

I am a brand new subscriber to Creative Cloud and am very surprised that AE, as it stands, is completely unusable.

Any update on the update?





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Sep 13, 2013 Sep 13, 2013

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Live with it until Octber. None knows the release date. Sad but true,AE CC is unusable on some computers and as time goes by i'm frustrated about it. I've updated my pc,changed the hard drives,formatted everything,add more ram but the "performance upgrade" claimed from Adobe is a pure lie. Hope that the new version is been tested and that new bugs are not in the way...The Foundry has retired their Nuke update because there were some bugs and in a week they have resolved their mistakes with almost no pain for users. That was the right way to do thing...

We are here,waiting for a solution and paying the subscription with absolutely no support and effort from Adobe. They have to take care of their costumers,but at this moment,we have learned of the new update from others and not from Adobe itself. This is the worst communication marketing that i have ever seen. Users are paying people for Adobe.

Todd is the only man on Earth that take care of us. God bless him!




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Sep 20, 2013 Sep 20, 2013

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I've just verified a fix for this problem, so I can say with certainty that this fix will be coming in After Effects CC (12.1), which is due for release in October:





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Sep 20, 2013 Sep 20, 2013

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As always,thank you Todd. I'll be waiting for the release.




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New Here ,
Oct 16, 2013 Oct 16, 2013

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Hi Todd,

Do we have a date for this update? I believe this issue is affecting one of our users whose AE is running painfully slow and is unusable.





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Oct 16, 2013 Oct 16, 2013

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I'm interested in the release date too...but...i've updated my system with two Intel SSD hard drives,one for the system and one for AE cache and other 12GB of ram (24GB total).With a big surprise the problem is gone. The intel HD model is DC S3500...probably the HD speed was related to the issue? Fortunately now i can work with AECC...




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New Here ,
Oct 16, 2013 Oct 16, 2013

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This might be a temptation for me too, although reinstalling the OS and Adobe CC obviously is a bit of time I could afford not to lose




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Oct 16, 2013 Oct 16, 2013

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It'll be soon. We're just finishing up with testing and last steps before release. We certainly don't want to repeat the mistake of putting something out that fixes some issues but introduces others.




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Oct 16, 2013 Oct 16, 2013

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I'm very pleased to learn that the fix is close to release. I hope this is being tested in a networked lab where it is often unbearably slow.

In addition if any of our lab computers become disconnected from the network for any reason the entire CC suite stops working and has to be reinstalled.




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Engaged ,
Oct 16, 2013 Oct 16, 2013

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Previous posters have upgraded to an SSD, and it has not fixed this issue.  I highly recommend SSDs, just for general performance boosts, but don't purchase one believing that it will fix this particular issue.  Hopefully the patch will be out soon.

I've run AE CC on different computers, including some with traditional HDDs, and I've not run into this issue.  So it's not absolutely a HDD vs SSD issue.




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