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Why Adobe is force installing it with no option to prevent the installation at first place?
Each platform has standards, Microsoft has some guidelines!
Adobe should provide an option during setup, instead they just fill up our PCs with bloatware!
Don't believe me? Check after Adobe products' install how many services and processes are always running!
Solution is simple: Place a CheckBox on initial setup window: "Install C4D"!
Uninstall PS/AE/PR/ME and you'll see many of app files/folders/registry entries are not removed afterwards!
I'm truely appalled...
Hi all,
As noted here, installing C4D is now optional when installing After Effects 2023 and later. More details on how to choose whether or not to install C4D are available here:
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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Are you opposed to the user-voice site?
It's great that After Effects and Cinema 4D each win Oscars, right?
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This is absurd, I have no use nor want for whatever these programs are, why am I forced to google what the hell they are and now having to spend a million years trying to figure out how to remove it again? This is not how I wanted to spend my work day. I couldn't care less if it's "industry best" or whatever, I've literally never heard of it nor any use of it and it just appeared out of nowhere bloating up my system for no reason. This is bloatware/shovelware, this is just a fact based on how it ended up on my system. Reminds me of how you can't cancel windows updates, which is awesome if you own an AudioBox because it literally bricks your entire audio device.
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It's an integrated part of After Effects and "Cinema 4D Lite" should show up immediately in any web search engine.
Yes, it would be wonderful if Creative Cloud Desktop informed you of the installation.
After Effects is easily uninstalled if you are not happy with it for any reason.
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Aaron, why on earth would I encourage someone to continue to use software that he or she is so displeased with that he or she will swear openly in a user forum?
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I couldn't agree more. I don't use the software and when it appeared on my computer after an update I got nervous before i recognized what it was. When prompted to update my installed apps, additional apps should not install themselves, even if they're legitimate. Also as consumers we have a right to express our issues with software that we spend our money on.
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Cinema4D is integrated into After Effects. Using the software and reading the user manual reveals this.
Adobe is very happy to hear your input. Go to the Adobe User-Voice page for After Effects and request whatever it is that you feel should happen with the software.
My recommendation: Propose that the installer reveal all components being installed to increase awareness, allowing the user the option to skip installing After Effects.
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Encoder is integrated into AE, I can still choose not to install it. The manual won't change anything.
It is an official Adobe forum, I believe that someone @ Adobe is reading all this.
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Adobe Media Encoder has installed as an integrated part of Premiere Pro since 2003. After Effects integration came later and was a welcome addition, Media Encoder with AE became necessary with the depreciation of QuickTime as a system driver for time based media.
If you install Premiere Pro or After Effects you will also get Media Encoder. If for some reason you don't want it, you need to uninstall it afterward.
Media Encoder as a stand alone download is fairly recent. Users asked for it. Adobe made it available.
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I really hope you don't represent Adobe ... I don't need lectures and information about things that don't matter in this case. Adobe simply wants us to try / use C4D and does that by simply installing it on the users' computers without consent. That is simply a digital #metoo case.
Sorry, but it seems you're simply a paid Adobe guy who can't or won't try to even look at this problem from an other pov.
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I think you may have missed where I'm in full agreement that there should be a custom installer that allows one to deselect Cinema4D Lite regardless of the loss of application functionality. Especially now that it's obvious that user documentation is not enough for some users, it can't hurt to make users more aware of what they're installing.
These community pages are meant for application support, not feature requests. Nor is this a complaint form. The volunteers who participate have a wealth of knowledge and a little courtesy goes a long way toward getting a range of responses - one of which is likely to lead to a solution or a workaround.
The User-Voice pages are for this topic. It's perfectly reasonable that a topic that belongs there be directed there.
It's interesting that you find that this measure up to a Harvy Weinstein level crime. Of course, that would be a failure to recognize how strong 3D integration is something that After Effects users have asked for almost two decades running. Also, shouldn't men, in particular, be very, very cautious making such comparisons as to not diminish the seriousness of the #metoo movement?
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For what it's worth, inaccurate statements like "I can still choose not to install it" should be corrected for accuracy. A user can choose to uninstall Adobe Media Encoder afterward.
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This message is so common, and so false. We do not have a choice. There is not another software that is comparable. There is not an alternative to Adobe that is comparable. They are an absolute monopoly in many fields, and as such they are able to get away with this kind of behavior. If they had serious competition they wouldn't be so completely careless with how they treat their userbase.
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If anyone knows of a good alternative to adobe I'd sign up today. It's been about 4 years now that I've been learning new programs in the atempt to quit but like you said there aren't any good choices. Now I just uninstall the bloatware they force on us and everytime I just get a little more compliant...
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For anyone who considers Cinema4D Lite to be bloatware (or anything adware or trailware), I recommend you attend the following event:
The Maxon 3D and Motion Design Show
It should also be very informative for anyone thinking, "What else can I do with After Effects?"
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Including a high-end 3D application with After Effects is not careless.
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Dude, people are rightfully angry with these companies using telemetries, transporting our data, installing hidden or 3rd party apps without our permit, etc.
If you don't like, don't buy, ain't the answer to our problem, live in reality man!
Did you know that in Windows 10, your data is sent to Microsoft and you can only disable it using some tool/script, and even using that, you can only stop it in Enterprise/Education edition?
nVidia, Adobe and many others do it as well, I hope that makes you happier now! 🙂
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For the record I have manually uninstalled Maxon Cinema 4D on numerous occasions, and it keeps coming back.
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You can uninstall Cinema 4D Lite; however, you cannot uninstall the Renderer in the Comp Settings nor the menu options. Those are part of After Effects.
It will also still be under Effects > CINEMA 4D > CINEWARE as that is part of After Effects.
Comp Settings - Renderer Pop-up Menu
File > New > Maxon C4D Project File
Layer > New > Maxon C4D Project File
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As Cinema 4D is integrated into After Effects, there is no way to prevent its installation; however, Cinema 4D Lite can be uninstalled.
For more on Cinema 4D (as well as instructions on how to uninstall Cinema 4D Lite), read this page:
CINEMA 4D and Cineware
Using the CINEMA 4D 3D Renderer in the Composition Settings enables the following features in After Effects:
The inclusion of Cinema 4D Lite allows you to round-trip your edits using a Live 3D Pipeline.
The Cineware effect enables rendering of layers based on CINEMA 4D files directly in After Effects.
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C4D does not appear in the CC Desktop app, can't install or uninstall it wher a user is supposed to manage his/her adobe apps. . Let me decide what I want to install, what I need for my work. I am keeping my workstation as clean as possible by only installing apps that I use so my pc runs as smooth as possible.
Adobe, please respect your costumers.
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That wold would be a great place for at least the Cinema 4D Lite. (Again, Adobe User-Voice pages for such feedback).
Of course, the CINEMA 4D Renderer and the Cineware plug-in should remain exactly where they are.
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I agree with you. Its a lack of respect to not inform or give a option to not install Cinema 4D. In some coutries this is a crime...
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In most cases, making something up in a support forum does nothing to help resolve an issue.
Again, Adode user-voice is the the place to raise a concern about any component of Adobe software as well as anything integrated into Adobe software.
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They are called Personal Computers for a reason, Warren. Ergo if you put something in someone's pocket without asking them, they'll naturally have words to mince, be it a golden nugget or the exact opposite.