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Hi; new at AE. I created this simple animation of a circle following a path (Ad Comp 1 on Vimeo ). I now want to zoom into the animation, have the circle animation start but then the circle stay in the center of the screen as it continues to follow the path (Ad Comp 1_3 on Vimeo ). A little like this video that someone posted asking a similar question but it wasn't answered (I ATE EVERYONE ?! SOLO AGARIO GAMEPLAY ( - YouTube )
I'd rather not render the composition and use the motion tracking, I figured there's an easy way to do this since it's already a shape.
I created the animation by drawing the path and then creating a null layer following the path and then the circle is connected to it. Or parented I guess. (See attachment on layers).
I need to do like 10 of these, different path being followed so I was hoping something easily repeatable. I've read bout "Basic Object Tracking" but I can't find it, only find 1 point motion tracking and that only works when the composition is rendered.
Also need to figure out why my colored background didn't render, he he. 😉
If you already have the motion path of the circle you want to keep centered there is nothing to track. You already have better data than you can get from a tracker.
It looks like your comp has no 3D layers and no camera. If that is true then the way to get everything but the circle to move is to:
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If you already have the motion path of the circle you want to keep centered there is nothing to track. You already have better data than you can get from a tracker.
It looks like your comp has no 3D layers and no camera. If that is true then the way to get everything but the circle to move is to:
Here's what it looks like with one path and one circle layer before I centered the null. All modified properties of all layers are shown (uu):
After recentering the null and running a preview I get this:
I don't like that look much. I think it could be improved if you added a bit of animation to the position of the null. Motion blur would also help.
If you decide to go 3D you can use a similar trick. Parent the 3D null to the circle, then parent the camera to the 3D null. You might bet a better looking and easier to understand design using 3D layers.
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Whooaaa!! I'm gonna work on it right now.
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Thanks for the tips Rick; not working out so far, but keeping at it.
Should I start anew with my file? When I copy/paste the path position into my circle keyframe, the path pastes in an odd spot on my screen, not where it used to be, and then is like madness. Thanks!
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Its working!!!!!! Mostly. He he. So nice of you to send these instructions.
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May I ask one more question? How would I go about 'scaling it' so I am zoomed into a portion of it. I tired scaling everything 300% but the path gets out of whack.
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You can animate any of the transform properties. If you want to scale the view just animate the scale of the null.
These are basics. You should spend some time with the user guide that I would cover in the first hour of an AE class.
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Duh. I tried every scale combo except just the null. I may do a class this year; I'm near Boston and they have great face to face classes as the AGI institute. Did Basic Premiere; seems like time for Basic AE. Should also do the Lynda online, as I have access to that. Thanks again!
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i think paperio made by this periods
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If you already have the motion path of the circle you want to keep centered there is nothing to track. You already have better data than you can get from a tracker.
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Make sure the CTI is set to the starting point of animation =