Why using Open Project menu command or using shortcut CTRL/CMD+O closes project? It should be closed when I choose to open another project from file browser.
Could you offer some more clarifcation as to how this might work?
Since only one project can be open at a time, opening a new project should close the project that is currently open with the option to save changes if needed.
If anything, I'd love being able to open more than one project at the same time - even though that would very likely mean having a more powerful workstation to take advantage of it.
Well, it's simple. 1. Press CTRL+O or choose Open Project from menu.
2. Current opened project stays open.
3. File dialog appears.
4. Choose file to open. 5. Press Open button in file dialog or double click the file. 6. File in background closes new one opens. 7. Alternatively you press Cancel and stay with already opened project.
Current workflow poses unwanted issue of accidental project closure. eg, you accidentally press CTRL+O and project closes. Key "I" is next to key "O" on keyboard. I often use CTRL+I and sometimes I hit O accidentally. There is no option to Cancel this action.
Would it be correct to say that when opening a new project while a current project is open, the current project will remain open until the user either cancels or chooses a new project allowing to the user to cancel and immediately return to the current project rather than having to reopen it?