I got the corrected Premiere Pro transcript from my client - it retains all the original formatting done when I exported it from Premiere Pro. Now I import it back via the Import corrected transcript command and I see a total discrepancy between what I see in the text document and what Premiere Pro shows me:

As if Premiere Pro messes up all the original text structure after import.. So I decided to check it and exported the transcript in another project and imported it back immediatelly as a "corrected" version. See this. Even the timecodes differ:

I checked the english transcribation and it's fine, all the timecodes correspond even after you translate the text to a different language via an AI translator. But the chinese language gets all the timecodes messed up even if nothing is done to the text - literally export > import > messed up.
Since I do the translation from\to different languages, it's crucial for me to have this tool working perfectly, because I cannot afford wasting time on correcting the transcripts after import again... Please see to this problem.
Premiere Pro 24.6.1 (2).