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Premiere Pro Community Digest — October 2023

Adobe Employee ,
Nov 30, 2023 Nov 30, 2023


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Adobe Premiere Pro Community Digest — October 2023


Hello! Welcome again to the Premiere Pro Community Digest! Let's first look back on everything that went down with the community back in October and early November. We'll review the highlights of Adobe MAX and other things that happened. Then, we'll get into some great community content. We'll talk more about the latest version of Premiere Pro 2024 and even some of the new features revealed in Premiere Pro Beta. Read on, as there's much to discuss here!

Latest Adobe Premiere Pro Community News

Small SQ GIF_13.gifexpand imageNews from the Premiere Pro community!

First, let's look back at what happened over the past month.




Team Adobe onstage at MAX and in the Creative Park!

Team Adobe's Dacia SaenzTeam Adobe's Dacia Saenzexpand imageTeam Adobe presented its newest features at Adobe MAX, which was held October 10-12 in Los Angeles. Did you attend either virtually or in person? What was your opinion of the presentations?


The team presented new text-based editing tools, like remove silences and filler words. An effective use of the new enhanced speech feature in Premiere Pro got a huge round of applause. The new features were presented by Team Adobe's inimitable Dacia Saenz.
Team Adobe at the MAX KeynoteTeam Adobe at the MAX Keynoteexpand imageIn addition to showing Premiere Pro features, at the Creative Park, After Effects showed its latest support for native 3D graphics and a great new update for the Rotobrush tool. New features from Character Animator, Premiere Pro Beta, Frame.io, and Firefly were also present as part of Team Adobe's demos.
As an aside, this month's banner was created using Adobe Firefly. Guess the prompts! Have you tried Adobe Firefly yet? Give it a go!
Adobe Experts shine in the Creative Park!
YouTuber, ArtIsRight, stops by the Adobe Experts boothYouTuber, ArtIsRight, stops by the Adobe Experts boothexpand imageSteps away from Team Adobe's booth were the Adobe Community "Ask the Experts" pods staffed by Adobe video experts like @Warren Heaton and @Ko.Maruyama. They showed the latest features and answered questions about Adobe Video and Audio applications.
Adobe video community members stopped by, like YouTuber, "ArtIsRight," as well.
On the Monday evening of MAX, Adobe showed its appreciation for Adobe Experts at the annual MAX meetup at Tom's Watch Bar in Los Angeles. A lot of stories were shared, food and beverages were consumed, and a lot of fun was had. For more info about the Adobe Experts program, see this link.
You can dig into last year's sessions here. Recorded sessions from this year's MAX are now available here.
Adobe Video and Audio Community News!

 Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 3.59.01 PM.pngexpand imageThere was community mixer on October 6, in Atlanta. Let us know what you thought of the event. How did it go?


Are you interested in attending a mixer like this in the future? Join Adobe for industry mixers like this joining post-production pros from feature films, TV, news broadcasting, sports, social, events, ads, and more.


Join peers, see live demos, ask questions, and get answers from Premiere Pro and After Effects experts. Community leaders and members of Team Adobe will be onhand, as well. Don't miss out on these inspiring events! In upcoming events, learn about the latest techniques using Adobe Video and Audio tools.


Check out the limitless creative possibilities afforded by our Generative AI platform, Firefly, as well. Other features of the gathering include:

  • Networking with Peers: Meet professionals from diverse backgrounds and expand your network in post-production.
  • Demos and Q&A with Experts: Learn from the masters behind Premiere Pro and After Effects through live demos and real-time Q&A sessions.
  • Connect with Leaders: Engage with creativity and community leaders who are making waves in the industry.
  • Sips, Snacks, and Inspiring Projects: Enjoy refreshments while exploring captivating projects that showcase post-production excellence.
  • Limited Space, Register Now: Secure your spot at Adobe's Industry Mixers by registering early. Here are registration links to the upcoming events


If you cannot attend an upcoming mixer, check out the virtual events listed below.


Coming Up!

  • Adobe Live Event | What’s New In Premiere Pro, After Effects, and MORE. Watch here.
  • Video Community Online. Watch here.

Premiere Pro Team News and Blog Posts

Latest Release: Adobe Premiere Pro 24.0

 Remove all pauses is available in v.24.0.Remove all pauses is available in v.24.0.expand imagePremiere Pro 24.0 has been out for several weeks now! Have you downloaded it yet? Here is the documentation letting you know about all the new features. Check out the community post here, as well. Highlighted features of version 24.0 include the following:


Complete List of New Features in Adobe Premiere Pro 24.0


Have you shared your thoughts on the new features with the community yet? If you're encountering any trouble, don't wait! Start a new post outlining your issue so that the community can help you better. If you have a bug to report or any issues with the features, kindly do that on our Bugs forum.


Premiere Pro Team Blogs

Here are a couple of links to blog posts by Team Adobe that may be of interest to editors and filmmakers in the Premiere Pro community.


Netflix’s “Shadow and Bone” earns 2023 Emmy nomination for VFX using Adobe After Effects and Photoshop

Image source: Ante Dekovic, “Shadow and Bone” VFX Supervisor.Image source: Ante Dekovic, “Shadow and Bone” VFX Supervisor.expand image


Take a look at the following blog posts:

What's new in Premiere Pro Beta?

Small SQ GIF_08.gifexpand imagePremiere Pro Beta

Check out the latest Beta to discover what's next for Premiere Pro. More info about the Beta program is here

Currently, there are many new features in Premiere Pro Beta you can preview.

View other recent discussions on the Premiere Beta forum. You can also upvote features or file bugs in the Premiere Pro Beta there.
Premiere Pro Beta documentation is here


Small SQ GIF_12.gifexpand imageTop troubleshooting articles

Are there issues with any of your projects? Check the list of known issues to see if the issue is known. Here are some of the current known issues for 24.0.

Known Issue (NEW): Adobe video apps fail to launch on macOS Sonoma (version 14), and the following error message is displayed: Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash


Issue: This issue affects all versions of Adobe apps and isn't related to the new 2024 version update, so downgrading to 2023 versions will not resolve the issue. While Sonoma users are more likely to get this error, it may also appear if you use a previous macOS version.


Workaround: Install the app without third-party components.

Known Issue: Adobe video and audio products no longer support Rosetta.


Issue: Starting with version 24.0, Adobe video and audio products no longer support Rosetta emulation (Intel versions running on Apple M1/M2).  Please be aware that the Creative Cloud desktop still shows the Rosetta option on M1/M2 machines, but this will still launch the native Apple Silicon version. Intel versions can only be run on Mac Intel machines.

The Open using Rosetta option is no longer available in the Get Info window.


Known Issue:. Overlays via Transmit do not work correctly during playback.


Issue: When the transmit overlays are enabled via the Enable overlays with Transmit and Enable overlays during playback settings (Wrench menu in Program monitor), the Transmit monitor might not display the video content correctly.


Workaround: Turn off Enable overlays with Transmit to display the frames correctly. A partial workaround would be to use the metadata effect to display a subset of the overlay information.


Known Issue: Poor playback performance in Macintosh M2 Studio or Mac Pro with multiple monitors.


Issue: A customer with a Macintosh M2 Studio or Mac Pro with multiple monitors may experience poor playback performance.


Workaround: Enable Displays have separate Spaces in macOS System Settings > Desktop & Dock. Apple and Adobe are working on a permanent fix for this issue.


Prevent Known Crash Issues:

  • On macOS versions before 13 (Ventura), Premiere Pro crashes at startup: The first time Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Media Encoder are launched after installing on older macOS operating systems (earlier than macOS 13 Ventura), a message stating Display surface initialization failed is presented, and the application then crashes. This failure will not happen again in subsequent launches of each application. Apple resolved this issue in macOS 13.
  • Windows: We recommend that Windows users download and use NVIDIA drivers (version 531.41 or higher). This will resolve any crashing issues that October have been present with older drivers. For more information, see the NVIDIA documentation.


If you need assistance addressing any of these known issues, please create a new post. The community will assist you.


Troubleshooting using "Safe Mode": You can now press any key on launch to perform key troubleshooting steps from the new Reset Options dialog box (sometimes referred to as "Safe Mode"), like resetting preferences, removing media cache, reset plug-in loading cache, and temporarily disabling third-party plug-ins. It's a great first step in triaging your own issues related to Premiere Pro.


Bug fixes in the release are listed here. Thanks to the team, who provided an extensive list of those issues that are fixed.

Featured Adobe Community Expert

 Adobe Expert, Bill Sprague - IcelandAdobe Expert, Bill Sprague - Icelandexpand imageOur featured Adobe Community Expert this month is Bill Sprague. Bill describes himself as confirmed as retired while addicted to videography and photography. He also confesses to being an Adobe "fanboy". He's posted over 7,700 times and has a great deal of fans himself, especially in the Premiere Elements forums. Bill helps out here in Premiere Pro and all over the Adobe community forums too. Thank you so much, Bill! I asked Bill to share some things about himself and he wrote this:


I’m in awe of the graphics professionals I meet online here. I made my living flying and selling small airplanes. I once sold a picture for $2. Other than that, my graphics world has been all for fun. I started with a Kodak Brownie in the ‘50s. I went through a couple suitcases full of Nikon gear when film was the thing. Julieann Kost taught me Lightroom 4 which started my digital habit.


In the middle of a video game, my very young granddaughters said, “Let’s make videos!” My only friend with an Adobe job got me a copy of Premiere Elements 9. I was lost until I found solace on the Adobe forum. Soon enough, I could coach my granddaughters well enough. I felt obligated to pay it back and set a goal of answering a question a day in the Adobe forums. One day Melissa Rios, from the Adobe San Jose office, sent me an email inviting me to be an ACP. Not knowing what that was, I thought it was bad spam. A few emails later I signed up. I’m fully retired and still striving to answer a question a day.


Current projects include teaching videography to other people in my community, RV travel to photogenic locations and learning aerial videography. I’m doing aerial work for a friend documenting a Native tribe’s efforts to preserve and improve the water quality of Washington State’s Puget Sound. I’m astounded by the development pace for videographic tools, techniques and workflows.


We appreciate your help on forums throughout the Adobe community, Bill. If Bill has ever assisted you, please send him a note of thanks. To contact Bill, click here.

Learn Something New

Small SQ GIF_09.gifexpand imageRecommended how-to content

Here are some great "How To" technique threads, videos, and other tidbits you might find interesting. Please let me know if you have a handy tutorial or technique to share with the community.


How To Make STUNNING Text Animation
Channel: Premiere Basics


Easy Glass Blur effect in Adobe Premiere Pro
Channel: Video Revealed


How to Blend 2 videos together for unique effects in Adobe Premiere Pro
Channel: Justin Odisho


Using Photoshop Generative Fill & Masking in Premiere Pro to Replace Your Background

By Adobe Video & Motion


Remove REALISTIC Green Screens and ADD AI Backgrounds

Channel: Premiere Gal


best-practices-cover.png.img.pngexpand image

For reference: The Premiere Pro Best Practices Guide for TV and Episodic Post-Production, a bible of sorts for pro editors, can be downloaded here: https://adobe.ly/PremiereProGuide.







Handy Links

Small SQ GIF_11.gifexpand imageNew 24.0 Features (in brief)

Complete documentation for Premiere Pro 24.0 (complete set of features)

Fixed Issues
Known Issues

Past Community Digests

Small SQ GIF_14.gifexpand imagePrevious Monthly Digests

Last month's digest: Premiere Pro Community Digest — September 2023.

See the Premiere Pro Community Digest Home Page to see digests from 2020 to present.


Thanks for reading the month's digest. We hope to see you again next month.


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Premiere Pro Community Digest — October 2023


Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio
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