Edit 12/15/24: Update on Multichannel Audio Transcription Support. Tests on PR Release 25.0.0 confirm that this is working for mono and stereo, and that the problem with Sony FX MXF files was fixed. Users experiencing problems should start a new thread and ask for assistance. Include information about the files used and process for transcribing.
PR Release version 24.0.0 added transcription of multiple audio channels for source media for mono, and stereo was added in Release Version 24.1.0.
Manual transcription occurs when right-clicking the source in the Project Panel, or using the 3 dot menu in the Text Panel.
If PR recognizes the file as having multiple channels, it adds "Channel Selection" to the options in the "Create Transcription for Source Media" dialogue. If it does not see multiple channels, you do not see that option.
Automatic transcription occurs when you set preferences to transcribe files when they are imported to the project or added to a sequence. It also occurs when untranscribed sources are in a sequence, and the Transcribe button is clicked in the Text Panel.
Auto-transcription uses a mix of the audio tracks. This works well as long as there is little overlap of dialogue on multiple channels.
An earlier post in this thread provides more detail:
Edit 10/30/23: Update on Multichannel Audio Transcription Support. PR Release version 24.0.0 added transcription of multiple audio channels for source media, but only for mono. Stereo has been added in the Beta version, and is in active development.
Auto-transcription still looks only at audio track one.
If PR recognizes the file as having multiple channels, it adds "Channel Selection" to the options in the "Create Transcription for Source Media" dialogue. If it does not see multiple channels, you do not see that option.
Some MXF files with multiple mono channels are not yet working correctly.
See these posts from staff:
Original Post: Text-Based Editing/Source Media Transcription as rolled out in Releaase 23.4.0 does not allow for the selection of which audio track to transcribe, but transcribes only track 1. From forum posts, users often appear to have multiple audio tracks per file, including microphone, camera(s), sound board input, etc. The workarounds quickly become onerous.
I recognize the difficulty, which is encountered when using nesting workaround. Instead of one transcription per clip, you must have multiple transcriptions per clip. In my experiments, the audio track picked currently for transcription is not changed by mapping audio channels etc. So any method using multiple audio tracks/transcriptions would need to name them in a way that the user could understand and track.
- Modify the source file so the desired clip is audio track 1.
- Place the clip in a sequence, create a static transcription (which allows audio track selection), and then nest that sequence. That nested sequence carries the transcription and behaves like a source transcription.
- Select the multitrack file in the Project Panel and Clip -> Audio Options -> Extract Audio. This creates as many files as there are audio tracks, named [Filename] + Extracted.wav, [Filename] + Extracted_1.wav, etc. Note that the numbers are in revers order to the audio tracks in a sequence. For example, if there are 2 audio tracks, the file named ...Extracted_1.wav will be audio track one and the file named without the _1 will be track two.
Note that anytime transcribed clips are on different tracks in a timeline, the higher-ranking track (e.g. audio track 1 is higher than audio track 2) will be active.
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