I need to do some image analysis over extracted frames and I need to extract 10bits stills from 10bit footage.
I've shot the footage with a GH5 and recorded into the SD card (1080p, 4:2:2) and also on an Atomos Ninja V with ProRes.
I've loaded the .MOVs into Premiere, activated "maximum bith depth" and "maximum processing quality" into the sequence settings (I'm using the spanish version of premiere, so no sure of the exact names of this options in english) and I cannot get more than 8 bit neither if I load .MOVs from the GH5 nor ProRes from Ninja V.
To check this I've extracted a frame in TIFF and opened in Photoshop with no luck, it's just 8 bits (why not offering an option to choose between 8 or 16bit?). Then I extracted a DPX and its 16 bit but after saving in 16bit TIFF and analyzing it with a special software (called Histogrammar) it shows it's filled with just 256 different levels.
So unless there's another option hidden anywhere, this is clearly a bug.